Shoah e identità ebraica/Bibliografia

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modificaFonti primarie
modifica- Tanakh (Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 1985)
- The Holy Bible, New International Version Anglicised (London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1976; rist. 2006)
- Aleichem, Sholem, Tevye the Dairyman and Motl the Cantor’s Son (London: Penguin, 2009)
- Alighieri, Dante, Inferno, trad. (EN) Steve EIIis (London: Vintage, 1994; rist. 2007)
- Dickens, Charles, Oliver Twist, cur. K. Tillotson (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1966; rist. 1999)
- Frank, Anne, The Diary of a Young Girl (London: Penguin, 2008)
- Kafka, Franz, Metamorphosis, trad. (EN) by Edwin Muir and Willa Muir (London: Tank, 1915; rist. 2007)
- —— The Castle, trad. (EN) Edwin Muir and Willa Muir (London: Vintage, 1930; rist. 1999)
- —— The Trial, trad. Idris Parry (London: Penguin Classics, 1994; rist. 2000)
- Levi, Primo, If This Is A Man / The Truce, trad. (EN) Stuart Woolf (London: Penguin, 1960; rist. 1979)
- —— The Periodic Table, trad. (EN) Raymond Rosenthal, II ediz. (London: Penguin, 1984; rist. 2000)
- —— The Wrench, trad. William Weaver (London: Abacus. 1987)
- —— If Not Now, When?, trad. William Weaver (London: Sphere Books, 1986; rist. 1990)
- —— The Search for Roots, trad. Peter Forbes (London: Penguin, 1981; rist. 2001)
- —— The Drowned and the Saved, trad. (EN) Raymond Rosenthal (London: Abacus, 1986; rist. 1988)
- Roth, Philip, The Plot Against America (London: Vintage, 2005)
- Spiegelman, Art, The Complete Maus (London: Penguin Books, 1996)
- Wiesel, Elie, Dawn, trad. (EN) Franees Frenaye (New York: Hill and Wang, 1961; rist. 2006)
- —— Day, trad. (EN) Anne Borehardt (New York: Hill and Wang, 1962; rist. 2006)
- —— The Town Beyond the Wall, trad. (EN) Stephen Beeker (New York: Schocken Books, 1964)
- —— The Gates af the Forest, trad. {{en}] Franees Frenaye (New York: Schocken Books, 1966)
- —— Night, trad. (EN) Marion Wiesel (London: Penguin Books, 1972; rist. 2006)
- —— Messengers of God: Biblical Portraits and Legends, trad. (EN) Marion Wiesel (New York: Simon & Sehuster, 1976; repr. 2005)
- —— The Trial of God, trad. (EN) Marion Wiesel (New York: Sehoeken Books, 1979; rist. 1995)
- —— Somewhere A Master: Hasidic Portraits and Legends, trad. (EN) Marion Wiesel (New York: Schocken Books, 1982)
- —— The Jews of Silence, trad. (EN) Marion Wiesel (New York: Schocken Books, 1988)
- —— All Rivers Run to the Sea: Memoirs Vol. One 1928 - 1969, trad. (EN) Marion Wiesel (London: HarperCollins, 1996)
- —— And the Sea is Never Full: Memoirs, 1969 -, trad. (EN) Marion Wiesel (London: HarperCollins, 2000)
Fonti secondarie
modifica- Alter, Robert, Necessary Angels: Tradition and Modernity in Kafka, Benjamin and Scholem (Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press, 1991)
- Amery, Jean, At the Mind's Limits: Contemplations by a Survivor on Auschwitz and its Realities, trad. (EN) S. Rosenfeld e S. Rosenfeld (Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1980)
- Angier, Carole, The Double Bond (London: Penguin, 2002)
- Anissimov, Myriam, Primo Levi: Tragedy of an Optimist, trad. (EN) Steve Cox (London: Aurum Press, 1998)
- Archer, Jeffrey, e Francis J. Moloney, The Gospel According to Judas (London: Macmillan, 2007)
- Armstrong, Karen, A History of Jerusalem (London: Harper Perennial, 2005)
- Bacon, Josephine, The Illustrated Atlas of Jewish Civilization (London: Andre Deutsch, 1990)
- Bauman, Zygmunt, Modernity and Ambivalence (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1991)
- —— Modernity and the Holocaust (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1989; repr. 1999)
- Beales, Derek, e Eugenio F. Biagini, The Risorgimento and the Unification of Italy, II ediz. (London: Pearson Education, 1971; rist. 2002)
- Belpoliti, Marco, e Robert Gordon, curr., Primo Levi, Voice of Memory: Interviews 1961-87 (Cambridge: Polity Press, 2001)
- Benchouiha, Lucie, Primo Levi: Rewriting the Holocaust (Leicester: Troubador, 2006)
- Berkovits, Eliezer, With God in Hell: Judaism in the Ghettos and Deathcamps (New York: Sanhedrin Press, 1979)
- Blocker, Joel e Richard Elman, "An Interview with Isaac Bashevis Singer", in Malin (cur.), Critical Views of Isaac Bashevis Singer, pp. 3-26.
- Bloomberg, Jon, The Jewish World in the Modern Age (Jersey City: KTAV, 2004)
- Bos, Pascale Rachel, "Women and the Holocaust: Analysing Gender Difference", in Levi e Rothberg (curr.), The Holocaust: Theoretical Readings, pp.178-86.
- Bravo, Anna e Federico Cereja, "The Duty of Memory", in Belpoliti (cur.), The Voice of Memory: Primo Levi Interviews 1961-87, pp.218-49.
- Brooker, Peter, cur., Modernism / Postmodernism, VI ediz. (London: Longman, 1992)
- Brown, Adam, "Traumatic Memory and Holocaust Testimony: Passing Judgement in Representations of Chaim Rumkowski", in Colloquy: Text, Theory, Critique, 15 (giugno, 2008), 128-44.
- Brown, Adam, "Beyond Good and Evil: Breaking Down Binary Oppositions in Holocaust Representations of ‘Privileged’ Jews", paper presented at Compass Interdisciplinary Virtual Conference, 26th October 2009.
- Bruck, Edith, 'Jewish, Up to a Point', in Belpoliti (ed.), The Voice of Memory: Primo Levi Interviews 1961-87, pp.261-65.
- Camon, Ferdinando, Conversations With Primo Levi, trad. (EN) John Shepley (Marlboro: The Marlboro Press, 1989)
- Chare, Nicholas e Dominic Williams, "The Scrolls of Auschwitz: Archaeologies of Affliction", paper presented at Witnessing History: Holocaust Testimony from the Scrolls of Auschwitz to the Present Conference, University of Leeds, Leeds UK. 29 ottobre 2010.
- Cicioni, Mirna, Primo Levi: Bridges of Knowledge (Oxford and Washington DC: Berg, 1995)
- Cohen, Jeremy, Christ Killers: The Jews and the Passion from the Bible to the Big Screen (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007)
- Cohn-Sherbok, Dan, God and the Holocaust, II ediz. (Leominster: Gracewing, 1989; rist., 1996)
- —— The Crucified Jew: Twenty Centuries of Christian Anti-Semitism (London: HarperCollins Religious, 1992)
- —— Holocaust Theology: A Reader (Exeter: University of Exeter Press, 2002)
- Dawidowicz, Lucy, S., The War Against the Jews 1933-45 (London: Penguin, 1975)
- Downing, Frederic. L., Elie Wiesel: A Religious Biography (Macon: Mercer University Press, 2008)
- Falconer, Rachel, Hell in Contemporary Literature: Western Descent Narratives Since 1945 (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2005; rist. 2007)
- Garrison Waiters, E., The Other Europe: Eastern Europe to 1945 (New York: Syracuse University Press, 1988)
- Gibbs, Robert, e Elliot R. Wolfson, curr., Suffering Religion (London: Routledge, 2002)
- Gilbert, Martin, The Holocaust: The Jewish Tragedy (London: HarperCollins, 1987)
- —— The Routledge Atlas of Jewish History, VIII ediz. (London: Routledge, 1995; rist. 2010)
- —— Never Again: A History of the Holocaust (London: HarperCollins, 2000)
- Giuliani, Massimo, A Centaur in Auschwitz: Reflections on Primo Levi's Thinking (Lanham: Lexington Books, 2003)
- Glass, James M., Jewish Resistance During the Holocaust (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004)
- Goldberg, Michael, Why Should Jews Survive? Looking Past the Holocaust Toward a Jewish Future (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995)
- Gordon, Robert S. C., cur., The Cambridge Companion to Primo Levi (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007)
- Grieco, Giuseppe, "God and I", in Belpoliti (cur.), The Voice of Memory: Primo Levi Interviews 1961-87, pp. 272-77.
- Habermas, Jürgen, The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity: Twelve Essays (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1987)
- —— "Modernity - An Incomplete Project", in Breoker (cur.), Modernism / Postmodernism, pp.125-38.
- Harrowitz, Nancy, "Primo Levi's Jewish Identity", in Gordon (cur.), The Cambridge Companion to Primo Levi, pp. 17-31.
- Hitler, Adolf, Mein Kampf, 39a ediz. (Mumbai: Jaico Publishing House, 1988; rist. 2008)
- Il Chassidismo di Elie Wiesel, Wikibooks, 2023
- Jocz, Jacob, "Judaism After the Holocaust", in Cohn-Sherbok (cur.), Holocaust Theology: A Reader, pp.58-60.
- Johnson, Paul, A History of the Jews (London: Phoenix, 1987; repr. 1995)
- —— The Renaissance (London: Phoenix, 2001)
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- Kepnes, Steven, "Rereading Job as Textual Theodicy", in Gibbs (cur.), Suffering Religion pp. 36-55.
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- Longerich, Peter, The Unwritten Order: Hitler's Role in the Final Solution, II ediz. (Stroud: Tempus Publishing, 2005)
- Maccoby, Hyam, Judas Iscariot and the Myth of Jewish Evil (New York: The Free Press, 1992)
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- Schreckenberg, Heinz, The Jews in Christian Art: An Illustrated History, trad. (EN) J. Bowden (London: SCM Press, 1996)
- Schwied, Eliezer, "The Holocaust and Jewish Thought", in Cohn-Sherbok (cur.), Holocaust Theology: A Reader, pp. 263-64.
- Servotte, Herman, According to John: A Literary Reading of the Fourth Gospel (London: Darton, Longman and Todd, 1994)
- Shandler, Jeffrey, While America Watches: Televising the Holocaust (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999)
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- Vice, Sue, Holocaust Fiction (London: Routledge, 2000)
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- Weiss, John, The Politics of Hate: Anti-Semitism, History, and the Holocaust in the Modern World (Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 2003)
- Wiesel, Elie e Michel de Saint Cheron, Evil and Exile, trad. (EN) Jon Rothschild e Jody Gladding, II ediz. (Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press, 1990)
- Wiesel, Elie e Richard, D. Heffner, Conversations with Elie Wiesel, II ediz. (New York: Schocken Books, 2001; rist. 2003)
- Williams, Raymond, "The Metropolis and the Emergence of Modernism", in Brooker (cur.), Modernism / Postmodernism, pp.82-94.
- Wollaston, Isabel, 1992. "What Can - and Cannot be Said: Religious Language After the Holocaust", in Journal of Literature & Theology, 6 (1, 1992),47-56.
- Young, James E., "Writing the Holocaust", in Levi e Rothberg (curr.), The Holocaust: Theoretical Readings, pp.335-38.
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