La dimensione artistica e cosmologica della Mishneh Torah/Bibliografia

Oggi, a distanza, ti ho vista
Allontanarti, e silenziosamente
La parete luminosa di un ghiacciaio
È scivolata in mare.
Un’antica quercia
Si è abbattuta nel bosco,
Trattenendo solo
Una manciata di foglie,
E una vecchia donna
Sognando giovinezza,
Ha guardato da seduta
In cielo per un istante.
Dall’altra parte
Della galassia,
Una stella trenta volte
Più grande del nostro sole,
È esplosa
E scomparsa, lasciando
Un minuscolo punto verde
Sulla retina dell’astronomo
Mentre è rimasto immobile
Nella grande cupola aperta
Del mio cuore –
Senza poter dirlo a nessuno.

Fonti primarie
modificaNel presente wikibook si sono utilizzate edizioni in (EN) di opere in altre lingue, e le rispettive citazioni sono prese da tali edizioni, se non specificato altrimenti - e tradotte in (IT) da Monozigote. Altre traduzioni che non sono elencate qui sotto, vengono citate ove appropriato.
Nel caso della Mishneh Torah, certe traduzioni sono state modificate. Ciò è stato fatto senza commento, ove una versione più letterale era richiesta per chiarire un dato punto, ed in casi di leggero disaccordo col traduttore. Variazioni più consistenti vengono discusse nelle note. ___________________________
*NOTE: La poesia di Daubmir a fianco dell'immagine, "Il Cosmo dentro" ("The Cosmos in me"), è bilingue — questa la versione in (EN):
Today, from a distance, I saw you
walking away, and without a sound
the glittering face of a glacier
slid into the sea. An ancient oak
fell in the woods, holding only
a handful of leaves, and an old woman
dreaming of youth in her chair looked up
for an instant. At the other side
of the galaxy, a star thirty times
the size of our own sun exploded
and vanished, leaving a small green spot
on the astronomer's retina
as he stood on the great open dome
of my heart with no one to tell.
Opere di Maimonide
modifica- Mishneh Torah. cur. e trad. Moses Hyamson. 2 voll. Gerusalemme, 1965.
- The Code of Maimonides, 13 voll., New Haven, 1949-2004:
- The Book of Agriculture', trad. Isaac Klein, 1979;
- The Book of Cleanness, trad. Herbert Danby, 1954;
- The Book of Judges, trad. A.M. Hershman, 1949;
- The Book of Love, trad. Menachem Kellner, 2004;
- The Book of Offerings, trad. Herbert Danby, 1950;
- The Book of Seasons, trad. Solomon Gandz & Hyman Klein, 1961;
- The Book of Temple Service, trad. Mendel Lewittes, 1957;
- The Book of Torts, trad. Hyman Klein, 1954;
- The Book of Women, trad. Isaac Klein, 1972.
- Book of Commandments [Sefer hamitsvot], trad. Charles B. Chavel, 2 voll., Londra, 1940.
- "Eight Chapters" [Shemonah perakim] (Introd. al commentario della Mishnah Avot), trad. in Raymond L. Weiss & Charles E. Butterworth (curatori), Ethical Writings of Maimonides, New York, 1975.
- Epistle to Yemen", trad. in Abraham Halkin & David Hartman, Epistles of Maimonides: Crisis and Leadership, Filadelfia, 1985, 91-131.
- "Essay on Resurrection", trad. in Abraham Halkin & David Hartman, Epistles of Maimonides: Crisis and Leadership, Filadelfia, 1985, 209-233.
- Guide of the Perplexed [arabo: Dalalat al-ḥa`irin; ebr. Moreh nevukhim], trad. (EN) dall'arabo di Shlomo Pines, 2 voll., Chicago, 1963; traduz. ebr. Michael Schwartz, 2 voll., (Tel Aviv, 2002); trad. ebr. Samuel ibn Tibbon, con commentari di Shem Tov, Efodi, Crescas, Abravanel (Lvov, 1866; rist. Gerusalemme, 1960).
- Treatise on Logic, trad. Israel Efros, New York, 1938.
- Moses ben Maimon, sein Leben, seine Werke und sein Einfluss zur Erinnerung an den siebenhundertsten Todestag des Maimonides, ed. Wilhelm Bacher; M Brann; David Simonsen; Jacob Guttmann, Leipzig, 1908-1914.
- Maimonides: a Collection of Critical Essays, ed. J. Buijs (Notre Dame, 1988).
- Maimonides as Codifier of Jewish Law, ed. Nahum Rakover, Gerusalemme, 1987.
- Maimonides and the Sciences, ed. Robert S. Cohen & Hillel Levine, Boston & Dordrecht, 2000.
- Moses Maimonides and his Time, ed. E. L. Ormsby, Washington, D.C., 1989.
- Moses Maimonides: Physician, Scientist, and Philosopher, ed. Fred Rosner & Samuel S. Kottek. Northvale, N. J., 1993.
- Qobeṣ teshuvot ha-Rambam we-iggerotaw, ed. A. Lichtenberg, Leipzig, 1859.
- Teshuvot ha-Rambam ("Maimonides’ Responsa"), ed. e trad. Joshua Blau, editio secunda emendata, 4 voll., Gerusalemme, 1986.
- Iggerot ha-Rambam (Mose ben Maimon. Epistulae), ed. D. H. Baneth, II ed. rived. con suppl. di A. S. Halkin, Gerusalemme, 1985.
- Letters: Arabic Original with New Translation and Commentary, ed. & trad. Joseph Ḳafaḥ (Qafiḥ), Gerusalemme, 1972.
- Letters and Essays of Maimonides, ed. & trad. I. Shailat, 2 voll., Maaleh Adumim, 1988-89.
- Crisis and Leadership: Epistles of Maimonides, trad. & interpretaz. Abraham S. Halkin & David Hartman, Filadelfia, 1985.
- Maimonides’ Treatise on Resurrection, ed. e trad. Joshua Finkel, New York, 1939.
- Treatise on Resurrection, trad. H. Fradkin in Ralph Lerner, Maimonides’ Empire of Light, pp. 154-77.
- Epistle to Yemen, trad. Joel L. Kraemer in Ralph Lerner, Maimonides’ Empire of Light, pp. 99-132.
- “The Correspondence between the Rabbis of Southern France and Maimonides about Astrology”, ed. e trad. Alexander Marx, Hebrew Union College Annual, 3, 1926, pp. 311-57.
- Ma’amar ha-‘ibbur. Die aelteste astronomische Schrift des Maimonides. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Astronomie, ed. LasarDünner, Würzburg, 1902.
- Lettre de Maïmonide sur le calendrier hébraïque, traduite par Robert Weil, annotée par Simon Gerstenkorn, Francia, 1988.
- Hilkhot ha-Yerushalmi, ed. Saul Lieberman, New York, 1947, rist. 1995.
- Maimonides’s Commentary on Tractate Sabbath (Perush haRambam le-Masekhet Shabbat), ed. e trad. Simon Hopkins Gerusalemme, 2001.
- Commentary on Rosh ha-Shanah, Jen Libanon, ed. J. Bril, Parigi, 1886.
- Ḥiddushe ha-RaMBaM le-Talmud; ‘al shetem ‘esreh masekhtot, ed. Mordecai Judah Loeb Sachs; Issar Zalman Meltzer, Gerusalemme, 1963.
- Commentarius in Mischnam. E codicibus Hunt. 117 et Pococke 295 in bibliotheca Bodleiana Oxoniensi servatis et 72-72 Bibliothecae Sassooniensis Letchworth. Introduction hebraice et britannice scripsit Solomon D. Sasson, 3 voll. Copenhagen, 1956-66.
- Mishnah ‘im perush Rabbenu Mosheh ben Maimon: maqor wetargum, ed. e trad. Y. Qafiḥ, 6 voll., Gerusalemme, 1963-1967.
- The Eight Chapters of Maimonides on Ethics (Shemonah perakim): a Psychological and Ethical Treatise, ed. e trad. Joseph I. Gorfinkle, New York, 1912, rist. 1966.
- Ethical Writings of Maimonides, trad. Raymond L. Weiss & Charles E. Butterworth, New York, 1975.
- Haqdamot ha-Rambam la-Mishnah. ed. and trans. I. Shailat. Jerusalem, 1991.
- Book of Commandments. ed. and trans. Joseph QafiÎ. Jerusalem, 1971.
- The Commandments (Kitāb al-farā’iḍ): Sefer Ha-mitzvoth of Maimonides; translated from the Hebrew with foreword, notes, glossary, appendices and indices by Rabbi Dr. Charles B. Chavel. 2 vols. London, 1967.
- Sefer ha-Mitsvot leha-Rambam im Hasagot ha-Ramban. ed. Charles Ber Chavel. Jerusalem, 1981.
- The Code of Maimonides. 13 vols. New Haven, 1949—
- Sefer ha-Madda‘. ed. Jacob Cohen, Moshe Hayim Katzenelenbogen, and Saul Lieberman. Jerusalem, 1964.
- Mishneh Torah. ed. and trans. Moses Hyamson. 2 vols. Jerusalem, 1965.
- Traité de logique. ed. and trans. Rémi Brague. Paris, 1996.
- Treatise on Logic. ed. and trans. Israel Efros. New York, 1938. [Contains “first, the original Arabic text; second, a critical edition of Moses ibn Tibbon's Hebrew version ... third, a critical edition of the Hebrew translation by Ahitub ... fourth, the hitherto unpublished version by Joseph ben Joshua ibn Vivas, or Joseph Lorki ... and fifth, a translation of the Arabic text.”]
- Treatise on Logic. ed. Israel Efros. Proceedings of the American Academy of Jewish Research 34 (1966) [The entire Arabic text in Hebrew letters].
- Le guide des égarés. ed. and trans. Salomon Munk. 3 vols. Paris, 1856-66 (rist. 1960).
- The Guide for the Perplexed. trans. M. Friedländer. 2nd ed. New York, 1946.
- Moreh nevukhim = Dalalat al-ÎÁ’irÐn. ed. & trans. [in ebr.] Yosef Kafaḥ (Qafiḥ). 3 vols. Jerusalem, 1972.
- The Guide of the Perplexed. Translated with an introduction and notes by Shlomo Pines.With an introductory essay by Leo Strauss. Chicago, 1963.
- Sefer Moreh ha-nevukhim le-Rabbenu Mosheh ben Maimon beha‘ataqat Yehudah Ibn Tibbon. 4 vols. ed. Y. Even Shmuel. Jerusalem, 1959-87.
- Sefer Moreh ha-nevukhim le-Rabbenu Mosheh ben Maimon beha‘ataqat Yehudah Ibn Tibbon. ed. Y. Even Shmuel. Jerusalem, 1981.
- Moreh nevukhim = Guide of the Perplexed. trans. Arabic into Heb. Michael Schwarz. 2 vols. Tel Aviv, 2002.
- On Asthma: a Parallel Arabic-English Text. ed. and trans. G. Bos. Provo, Utah, 2002.
- Art of Cure: Extracts from Galen. ed. and trans. Uriel S. Barzel; Bibliography by Jacob I. Dienstag. Haifa, 1992.
- “Die Haemorrhoiden in der Medicin des XII und XIII Jahrhunderts.” ed. and trans. Hermann Kroner. Janus 16 (1911): 441-56, 645-718.
- Medical aphorisms. Treatises 1-5: a parallel Arabic-English edition, trad. Gerrit Bos. Provo, Utah, 2004.
- Medical aphorisms. Treatises 6-9: a parallel Arabic-English edition, ed. and trans. Gerrit Bos. Provo, Utah,2007.
- Pirqe Mosheh ba-refu’ah [Medical Aphorisms]. trans. Fred Rosner and Süssmann Muntner. 2 vols. New York, 1970, 1971.
- Commentary on the Aphorisms of Hippocrates. trans. Fred Rosner. Haifa, 1987.
- Treatises on Poisons, Hemorrhoids, Cohabitation. trans. Fred Rosner. Haifa, 1990.
- On the Causes of Symptoms. ed. and trans. J. O. Leibowitz and S. Marcus. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1974.
- Fi’l-Jimā‘ [On Sexual Intercourse]. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Medizin des XII. Jahrhunderts, ed. e trad. Hermann Kroner. Oberdorf-Bopfingen, 1906 [arabo, tedesco, ebr.]
- Maimonides’ On Sexual Intercourse, trad. dall'arabo con introd. e commentario di Morris Gorlin, Brooklyn, 1961.
- Regimen of Health, trad. A. Bar-Sela, H. E. Hebbel, e E. Faris. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, New Series, 54 (1964): Parte 4.
- “Gesundheitsanleitung des Maimonides für den Sultan al-Malik al-Afḍal.” ed. e trad. Hermann Kroner, (1923-1925), rist. Beiträge zur Geschichte der arabisch-islamischen Medizin: Aufsätze, ed. Fuat Sezgin et al., Frankfurt am Main, 1990.
- Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Medizin des xii. Jahrhunderts an der Hand zweier medizinischer Abhandlungen des Maimonides, ed. H. Kroner. Oberdorf-Bopfingen, 1906.
- “Eine medicinische Maimonides-Handschrift aus Granada.” ed. e trad. Hermann Kroner, 1916, pp. 203-47.
- Sarḥ asmā’ al-‘uqqār (L’explication des noms de drogues). Un glossaire de matière médicale composé par Maïmonide, ed. e trad. Max Meyerhof, Cairo, 1940.
- Treatise on Poisons and their Antidotes, ed. Suessman Muntner, Filadelfia, 1966.
Altri classici
modifica- Aristotele, The Complete Works of Aristotele: Revised Oxford Translation, cur. Jonathan Barnes, 2 voll., Princeton, 1984.
- Aristotele, Metafisica, Rizzoli, 2009.
- Platone, Complete Works, cur. John M. Cooper, Indianapolis, 1997.
- Platone, Tutti gli scritti, Bompiani, 2000.
- Soncino Babylonian Talmud, cur. Rabbi Dr Isidore Epstein, 36 voll., Londra, 1935-52.
- The Talmud: A Selection, cur. Norman Solomon, Penguin Classics, 2009.
Fonti secondarie
modifica- Dienstag, Jacob. “Christian translators of Maimonides’ Mishneh Torah into Latin.” S.W. Baron Jubilee Volume. cur. Saul Lieberman et al.: 287-310.
- Dobbs-Weinstein, Idit. Maimonides and St Thomas Aquinas on the Limits of Reason. Albany, N. Y., 1995.
- —————— . “Matter as Creature and Matter as the Source of Evil: Maimonides and Aquinas.” Neoplatonism and Jewish Thought. cur. Lenn Goodman: 217-235.
- Funkenstein, Amos. Maimonides: Nature, History, and Messianic Beliefs, Tel Aviv, 1983.
- —————— . Perceptions of Jewish History, Berkeley, 1993.
- Goodman, Lenn Evan. Rambam: Readings in the Philosophy of Moses Maimonides, trad. con introd. e commentario. New York: Viking, 1976/1986.
- —————— . “Maimonidean Naturalism.” Neoplatonism and Jewish Thought:139-72; cfr. anche Maimonides and the Sciences. cur. R. Cohen & H. Levine: 57-85.
- Guida maimonidea/Bibliografia, Wikibooks.
- Halbertal, Moshe, Concealment and Revelation: Esoterism in Jewish Thought and Its Philosophical Implications, trad. (EN) Jackie Feldman (Princeton, NJ, 2007).
- —————— Maimonides [Harambam] (Gerusalemme, 2009); ed. (EN): Maimonides: Life and Thought, trad. Joel Linsider (Princeton, NJ, 2013).
- —————— "Maimonides' Book of the Commandments and the Architecture of the Halakhah" {[he}}, Tarbiz, 59 (1989-90), 457-80.
- —————— "What Is the Mishneh Torah? On Codification and Ambivalence", in Jay Harris (cur.), Maimonides after 800 Years: Essays on Maimonides and His Influence (Cambridge, Mass. 2007), 81-111.
- Heschel, Abraham Joshua. Prophetic Inspiration After the Prophets: Maimonides and Other Medieval Authorities, Hoboken, 1996.
- —————— . The Sabbath, introd. Susannah Heschel, New York, 2005.
- Idel, Moshe. Kabbalah: New Perspectives, New Haven, 1988.
- —————— . "Deus Sive Natura: The Motamorphosis of a Dictum from Maimonides to Spinoza", in R.S. Cohen & Hillel Levine (curr.), Maimonides and the Sciences (Dordrecht, 2000), 87-110.
- L'invenzione della scienza (Aristotele), Wikibooks.
- Ivry, Alfred L. “Providence, Divine Omniscience and Possibility: The Case of Maimonides.” Divine Omniscience and Omnipotence in Medieval Philosophy. cur. T. Rudavsky:143-159. rist. in Maimonides: a Collection of Critical Essays. cur. J. Buijs: 175-191.
- —————— . “Islamic and Greek Influences on Maimonides’ Philosophy”. Maimonides and Philosophy. curatori S. Pines, Y. Yovel: 139-156.
- —————— . “Maimonides on Creation.” Creation and the End of Days: Judaism and Scientific Cosmology. cur. D. Novack & N. Samuelson: 185-214.
- —————— . “Neoplatonic Currents in Maimonides’ Thought”. Perspectives on Maimonides. cur. Joel L. Kraemer:115-40.
- Ivry, A. L. “Maimonides on the Creation of the World.” Shlomo Pines Jubilee Volume. cur. M. Idel et al. vol. 2: 115-137.
- Kanarfogel, Ephraim. “Reflections on the Place of the Mishneh Torah in the Tradition of the Medieval Encyclopedia.” The Medieval Hebrew Encyclopedia of Science and Philosophy. cur. S. Harvey: 123-139.
- Kellner, Menachem, Maimonides` Confrontation with Mysticism, (Oxford, 2006).
- —————— . Must a Jew Believe Anything? (London, 1999).
- Klein-Braslavy, Sara. "Maimonides Commentary on Jacob's Dream of the Ladder" (He), Bar-Ilan, 22-3 (1987), 329-49.
- Kraemer, Joel L., Maimonides: Bibliography (PDF).
- Kreisel, Haim (Howard), Maimonides' Political Thought: Studies in Ethics, Law, and the Human Ideal (Albany, 1999).
- —————— . Prophecy: The History of an Idea in Medieval Jewish Philosophy, Dordrecht, 2001.
- Levinger, Jacob. Maimonides’ Techniques of Codification; a Study in the Methodof the Mishneh Torah. Gerusalemme, 1965 (He).
- Pessin, Sarah. “Maimonides’ Opposition to Astrology: Critical Survey and Neoplatonic Response.” Al-Masaq: Islam and the Medieval Mediterranean13 (2001): 25-41.
- Scholem, Gershom. Kabbalah, Gerusalemme, 1974.
- Seeskin, Kenneth, "Holiness as an Ethical Ideal", Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy, 5/2 (1996), 191-203.
- —————— "Maimonides' Sense of History", Jewish History, 18 (2004), 129-45.
- —————— No Other Gods: The Modern Struggles Against Idolatry (New York, 1995).
- —————— Searching for a Distant God: The Legacy of Maimonides (Oxford, 2000).
- Soloveitchik, Haym. “Thoughts on Maimonides’ Categorization [of the Commandments] in the Mishneh Torah: Real and Imagined Problems.” Maimonidean Studies 4 (2000): 107-115 (He).
- Soloveitchik, Joseph B. The Halkhic Mind, New York, 1986.
- Stern, Josef, "The Enigma of Guide of the Perplexed i.68" (He), in Aviezer Ravitzky (cur.) Maimonides: Conservatism, Originality, Revolution (Gerusalemme, 2008).
- —————— "The Idea of Hoq in Maimonides' Explanation of the Law", in Shlomo Pines e Yirmiyahu Yovel (curr.), Maimonides and Philosophy: papers Presented at the Sixth Jerusalem Philosophical Encounter; May 1985 (Dordrecht, 1986), 92-130.
- —————— "The Knot That Never Was", Aleph: Historical Studies in Science and Judaism, 8 (2008), 319-39.
- —————— Problems and Parables of Law: Maimonides and Nahmanides on Reason for the Commandments (Albany, NY, 1998).
- Strauss, Leo, "How to Begin to Study The Guide of the Perplexed: Introductory Essay", trad. Shlomo Pines, in The Guide of the Perplexed i (Chicago, 1963), pp. xi-lvi.
- —————— "Maimonides' Statement on Political Science", Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research, 22 (1953), 115-30.
- —————— "Notes on Maimonides' Book of Knowledge", in Studies in Mysticism and Religion Presented to Gershom G. Scholem (Gerusalemme, 1967), 269-83.
- Twersky, Isadore. “The Beginnings of Mishneh Torah Criticism.” Biblical and Other Studies. cur. Alexander Altmann: 161-83.
- —————— . “Some Non-Halakic Aspects of The Mishneh Torah.” Jewish Medieval and Renaissance Studies. cur. Alexander Altmann: 95-118.
- —————— . “The Mishneh Torah of Maimonides.” Proceedings of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities 5 (1971-79): 265-96.
- —————— . A Maimonides Reader (New York, 1972).
- —————— . Introduction to the Code of Maimonides (Mishneh Torah). New Haven, 1980.
- Vogelman-Goldfeld, Naomi. “The Laws of Kings, Wars, and the King Messiah According to Maimonides’ Mishneh Torah.” Sobre la Vida y Obra de Maimonides. cur. Jesus Pelaez del Rosal: 243-250.
- Wallis, Richard T., Neoplatonism (Londra, 1972).
- Weiss, Raymond L., Maimonides' Ethics: The Encounter of Philosophic and Religious Morality (Chicago, 1991).
- Wolpert, Lewis, The Unnatural Nature of Science (Londra, 1992).
- Si veda inoltre l'esaustiva bibliografia di Torah per sempre, Wikibooks, 2019.
Bibliografie secondarie online
modificaIn aggiunta ai succitati titoli si raccomandano le seguenti bibliografie/monografie esaustive (EN) in rete:
- GREAT THINKERS: Moses Maimonides
- Jstor - Selected Bibliography of Studies on Maimonides (della JSTOR con abbonamento)
- Lezione video su Maimonide di Dr. Henry Abramson
- "Maimonides entry in Jewish Encyclopedia"
- "Maimonides entry in the Encyclopædia Britannica"
- "Maimonides entry in the Encyclopaedia Judaica", II ediz.
- "Maimonides entry in the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy"
- "Maimonides, a biography" — libro di David Yellin & Israel Abrahams
- "Maimonides as a Philosopher"
- "The Influence of Islamic Thought on Maimonides"
- "The Moses of Cairo," Articolo da Policy Review
- "Rambam and the Earth: Maimonides as a Proto-Ecological Thinker" – rist. da The Encyclopedia of Religion and Ecology
- "Anti-Maimonidean Demons" di Jose Faur, sulla controversia delle opere di Maimonide
- David Yellin & Israel Abrahams, Maimonides (1903) (testo completo di una biografia)
- Thomas Hockey & Y. Tzvi Langermann "Maimonides: Abū ʿImrān Mūsā [Moses] ibn ʿUbayd Allāh [Maymūn] al‐Qurṭubī",The Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers, Springer, 2007 (PDF version)
- Maimonide su
- The Guide: An Explanatory Commentary on Each Chapter of Maimonides' Guide of The Perplexed di Scott Michael Alexander (per ora tutto il Libro I)
- "Moses Maimonides: Biographic Outlines", breve biografia con bibliografia medica
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Altri progetti
modifica- Wikisource contiene una pagina dedicata a Le Opere di Maimonide
- Wikiquote contiene citazioni di o su Le Opere di Maimonide
- Wikimedia Commons contiene immagini o altri file su Le Opere di Maimonide
- (EN) Epistola allo Yemen (Iggeret Teiman) su Wikisource
- (EN) "Maimonide" in Encyclopædia Britannica 1911 su Wikisource