Evoluzione del monoteismo/Bibliografia

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Nome ebraico di Dio riportato sulla pagina di un manoscritto sefardita del Tanakh


  Per approfondire su Wikipedia, vedi le voci Dio (ebraismo), Ebraismo, Miti di Dio nell'ebraismo, Monoteismo, Nomi di Dio nella Bibbia e Yahweh.
  • Albright, William Foxwell. From the Stone Age to Christianity: Monotheism and the Historical Process. II ediz. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1957.
  • ———. YHWH and the Gods of Canaan. New York: Doubleday & Co., 1968.
  • Alt, Albrecht. Essays in Old Testament History and Religion. New York: Doubleday Anchor Book, 1968.
  • Armstrong, Karen. A History of God. New York: Gramercy Books, 1993.
  • Baron, Salo W. A Social and Religious History of the Jews, Vol. 1. New York: Columbia University Press, 1952.
  • Bokser, Ben Zion. Judaism: Profile of a Faith. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1963.
  • ———. The Jewish Mystical Tradition. New York: The Pilgrim Press, 1981.
  • Bright, John. A History of Israel. Third edition. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1981.
  • Buber, Martin. The Prophetic Faith. New York: Macmillan, 1949.
  • Burrows, Millar. An Outline of Biblical Theology. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1946.
  • Childs, Brevard. Myth and Reality in the Old Testament. Naperville, IL: A. R. Ellenson, 1960.
  • Clements, Roland. God and Temple: The Idea of Divine Presence in Ancient Israel. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1965.
  • Collins, John. “Jewish Monotheism and Christian Theology.” In Aspects of Monotheism—How God is One. Washington, DC: Biblical Archaeological Society, 1996.
  • Cross, Frank Moore. Canaanite Myth and Hebrew Epic: Essays in the History of the Religion of Israel. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1973.
  • De Vaux, Roland. Ancient Israel: Its Life and Institutions. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1961.
  • Dever, William. “The Contribution of Archaeology to the Study of Canaanite and Early Israelite Religion.” In Ancient Israelite Religion: Essays in Honor of Frank Moore Cross. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1987.
  • ———. The Lives of Ordinary People in Ancient Israel. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2012.
  • Eichrodt, Walther. Theology of the Old Testament, Vol. I. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1967.
  • Eissfeldt, Otto. The Old Testament: An Introduction. New York: Harper and Row, 1966.
  • Eliade, Mircea. The Sacred and the Profane. London: Harcourt Brace, 1959.
  • Epstein, Isidore. The Faith of Judaism. London: The Soncino Press, 1954.
  • Finklestein, Israel, e Neil Asher Silberman. The Bible Unearthed. New York: The Free Press, 2001.
  • Finklestein, Louis. The Pharisees: The Sociological Background of Their Faith. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 1946.
  • Fishbane, Michael. Sacred Attunement. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2008.
  • Fosdick, Harry Emerson. A Guide to Understanding the Bible. New York: Harper and Row, 1956.
  • ———. The Modern Use of the Bible. New York: Macmillan, 1958.
  • Friedman, David Noel. “Who is Like Thee Among the Gods?” In Ancient Israelite Religion. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1987.
  • Friedman, Richard Elliot. The Hidden Face of God. New York: HarperCollins, 1997.
  • Gordis, Robert. A Faith for Moderns. New York: Bloch, 1960.
  • Grant, Michael. The History of Ancient Israel. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1984.
  • Halpern, Baruch. “The Development of Israelite Monotheism.” In Judaic Perspectives on Ancient Israel. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1987.
  • ———. The Emergence of Israel in Canaan. Chico, CA: Scholars, 1987.
  • HarperCollins Bible Dictionary. San Francisco: Society of Biblical Literature, 1996.
  • Hartman, David. A Living Covenant. New York: The Free Press, 1985.
  • Heschel, Abraham Joshua. Man’s Quest for God. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1954.
  • ———. The Prophets. New York: Harper Torchbooks, 1962.
  • Jacob, Edmond. Theology of the Old Testament. New York: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1958.
  • Jacobs, Louis. Principles of the Jewish Faith. New York: Basic Books, 1964.
  • ———. God, Torah, Israel: Traditionalism Without Supernaturalism. Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College Press, 1990.
  • ———. Religion and the Individual. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992.
  • Kaufmann, Yehezkel. The Religion of Israel. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1960.
  • Kugel, James. How to Read the Bible. New York: Free Press, 2007.
  • La Coscienza di Levinas, La filosofia di Emmanuel Levinas, Wikibooks, 2023.
  • Lapp, Paul. Biblical Archaeology and History. New York: World Publishing Company, 1970.
  • Levenson, Jon. The God of Love. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2016.
  • Lieberman, Saul. Greek in Jewish Palestine. New York: Jewish Theological Seminary, 1942.
  • Matt, Daniel. The Essential Kabbalah: The Heart of Jewish Mysticism. San Francisco: Harper, 1995.
  • McCarter, P. Kyle. “Aspects of the Religion of the Israelite Monarchy.” In Ancient Israelite Religion. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1987.
  • Meyer, Michael A. Ideas in Jewish History. New York: Behrman House, 1974.
  • Moore, George Foot. Judaism in the First Centuries of the Christian Era: The Age of the Tannaim. Volume I. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1954.
  • Noth, Martin. The History of Israel. Second Edition. New York: Harper and Row, 1960.
  • ———. A History of Pentateuchal Traditions. Englewood, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1972.
  • Prichard, James B. Ancient Near Eastern Texts: Relating to the Old Testament. Third edition. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1969.
  • Rad, Gerhardt von. Old Testament Theology, Vols. I and II. New York: Harper and Row, 1962.
  • Redford, Donald. Akhenaten: The Heretic King. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1984.
  • ___. Egypt, Canaan, and Israel in Ancient Times. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1992.
  • Sanders, James. The Monotheizing Process. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books/Wiph and Stock, 2014.
  • Sarna, Nahum. Exploring Exodus. New York: Schocken Books, 1986.
  • ———. Genesis. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 1989.
  • ———. The JPS Torah Commentary: Exodus. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 1991.
  • ———. Studies in Biblical Interpretation. Philadelphia: Jewish Publications Society, 2000.
  • Schechter, Solomon. Some Aspects of Rabbinic Theology. Springfield Township, NJ: Behrman House.
  • ———. Studies in Judaism: Second Series. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 1938.
  • Scholem, Gershom. Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism. New York: Schocken Books, 1946.
  • ———. Kabbalah. New York: A Meridian Book, 1974.
  • Shanks, Herschel, ed. Aspects of Monotheism—How God is One. Washington, DC: Biblical Archaeological Society, 1996.
  • Silver, Abba Hillel. Where Judaism Differed: An Inquiry Into the Distinctiveness of Judaism. New York: Macmillan Company, 1957.
  • Smith, Mark. The Early History of Israel. Grand Rapids, MI: William Eerdsmans Publishing Company, 2002.
  • ———. The Origins of Biblical Monotheism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001.
  • ———. The Memoirs of God. Minneapolis: Fortress Press.
  • Sommer, Benjamin. The Bodies of God and the World of Ancient Israel. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011.
  • Theissen, Gerd. Biblical Faith: An Evolutionary Approach. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1985.
  • Tigay, Jeffrey. You Shall Have No Other Gods: Israelite Religion in Light of Hebrew Inscriptions. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1980.
  • Weiser, Artur. The Old Testament: Its Formation and Development. New York: Association Press, 1968.
  • Winston, David. Logos and Mystical Theology in Philo of Alexandria. Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College Press, 1985.
  • Wright, George Ernest. The Old Testament Against Its Environment. London: SCM Press, 1966.
  • Yerushalmi, Yosef Hayim. Zakhor: Jewish History and Jewish Memory. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1983.
  • Zevit, Ziony. The Religions of Ancient Israel. London: Continuum, 2001.
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  Serie maimonidea  
Libri nella serie: Guida maimonidea  •  La dimensione artistica e cosmologica della Mishneh Torah  •  Antologia ebraica  •  Torah per sempre  •  Non c'è alcun altro  •  Virtù e legge naturale  •  Essenza trascendente della santità  •  Pensare Maimonide  •  Ebrei e Gentili  •  Le strutture basilari del pensiero ebraico  •  Pluralismo religioso in prospettiva ebraica
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  Serie misticismo ebraico  
Libri nella serie: Messianismo Chabad e la redenzione del mondo  •  Introduzione allo Zohar  •  Isaac Luria e la preghiera  •  Il Nome di Dio nell'Ebraismo  •  Rivelazione e Cabala  •  Storia intellettuale degli ebrei italiani  •  Abulafia e i segreti della Torah  •  Israele – La scelta di un popolo  •  Nahmanide teologo  •  Evoluzione del monoteismo  •  Etica della salute  •  Il Chassidismo di Elie Wiesel  •  La teologia di Heschel  •  Ebraismo chassidico  •  Questo è l'ebraismo!  •  I due mondi dell'ebraismo  •  Ispirazione mistica  •  Tradizione ebraica moderna  •  Simchah: nozioni di felicità  •  Sefer כותב ישוע  •  Melekh Ha-Mashiach
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