Noia e attività solitarie/Bibliografia

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Bibliografia scelta

  • Adler, Alfred, Social Interest: A Challenge to Mankind, Faber & Faber, 1938
  • Allport, Gordon, The Person in Psychology, Beacon Press, 1968
  • Attili G., Introduzione alla psicologia sociale, Edizioni Seam, 2002
  • Bandura, Albert, Social Foundations of Thought and Action, Prentice-Hall, 1986
  • Barash, David, The Whisperings Within, Penguin, 1981
  • Buss, Arnold, Personality: Temperament, Social Behavior, and the Self, 1995
  • Caillois, Roger, I giochi e gli uomini, 2ª ed., Bompiani, 2000
  • Combs, Arthur, Individual Behavior: A Perceptual Approach to Behavior, Harpers, 1959
  • Donati, P., Teoria relazionale della società, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2000
  • Dubar Claude, La socializzazione. Come si costruisce l'identità sociale, Il Mulino, 2004
  • Ellwood, C. A., "The Psychological View of Society," American Journal of Sociology, XV: 596-610
  • Ellwood, C. A., "Social Psychology and the Social Sciences," Psychological Bulletin, XVIII: 203-10
  • Fenichel, O., "On the psychology of boredom", in D. Rapaport, Organization and pathology of thought: Selected sources, Columbia University Press, 1951
  • Fisher, C. D., "Boredom at work: a neglected concept", Hum. Relat. 46, 395–417, 1993
  • Foucault, Michel, Tecnologie del sé, in Un seminario con Michel Foucault – Tecnologie del sé, Boringhieri, 1992
  • Fromm, Erich, Man for Himself, Rinehart, 1947
  • Galeazzi, Aldo, Meazzini, Paolo, Mente e comportamento, Giunti, 2004
  • Gault, R. H., "Psychology in Social Relations," American Journal of Sociology, XXII : 734-48
  • Gault, R. H., "The Standpoint of Social Psychology," Journal of Abnormal Psychology and Social Psychology, XVI: 41-6
  • Gell, Alfred, Art and Agency: An Anthropological Theory, Clarendon, 1998
  • Goldberg, Y. K., Eastwood, J. D., LaGuardia, J., e Danckert, J. Boredom: an emotional experience distinct from apathy, anhedonia, or depression, J. Soc. Clin. Psychol. 30, 647–666, 2011
  • Hall, G. S., "Social Phases of Psychology," American Journal of Sociology, XVIII : 613-21
  • Healy, S. D. Boredom, Self, and Culture, Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1984
  • Hinson, S., Educational psychology, Cengage Learning, 2000
  • Kelly, George, La psicologia dei costrutti personali, Raffaello Cortina, 2004
  • Kornblith, Hilary (cur.), Epistemology: Internalism and Externalism, Blackwell Press, 2001
  • Korsgaard, Christine Marion, The Constitution of Agency, Oxford University Press, 2008
  • Krosnick, J. A., "Attitude importance and attitude accessibility", Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin, Vol 15(3), 297-308, 1989
  • Leuba, J. H., "Methods and Principles in Social Psychology," Psychological Bulletin XIV: 367-78
  • Leuba, J. H., "Sociology and Psychology," American Journal of Sociology, XIX: 323-42
  • Locke, E. A., e Latham, G. J. A Theory of Goal Setting and Task Performance, Prentice, 1990
  • Lo Iacono, Antonio, Psicologia della solitudine, Editori Riuniti, 2003
  • Lowie, R. H., "Psychology and Sociology," American Journal of Sociology, XXI: 217-29
  • Maslow, Abraham, Motivation and Personality, Harper and Row, 1970
  • May, Rollo, Man’s Search for Himself, Norton, 1953
  • Mead, G. H., "Social Psychology as Counterpart to Physiological Psychology," Psychological Bulletin, VI: 401-8
  • Nisbet, Robert, "Boredom", Commentary, settembre 1982, pp. 48-50
  • Park, R. E., "The Group Concept and Social Research," American Journal of Sociology, XXVII: 169-83
  • Park R. E., "The Social Organism and the Collective Mind," American Journal of Sociology, XXVII : 1-21
  • Rivers, W. H. R., "Sociology and Psychology," Sociological Review, IX: 1-13
  • Russell, B., The Conquest of Happiness, W. W. Norton & Company, 1996
  • Schachtel, E., Metamorphosis: on the Conflict of Human Development and the Psychology of Creativity, Analytic Press, 2001
  • Shaffer, D. e Kipp, K., Developmental psychology, II ediz., Cengage Learning, 2014
  • Staats, Arthur W., Behavior and personality: psychological behaviorism, Springer, 1996
  • Svendsen, L., A Philosophy of Boredom, Reaktion Books, 2004
  • Terenzi, Paolo, Percorsi di sociologia relazionale, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2012
  • Todd, Zazie, Nerlich Brigitte, McKeown Suzanne, Clarke,David D., Mixing Methods in Psychology: The Integration of Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Theory and Practice, Psychology Press, 2004
  • Tronca, Luigi, Sociologia relazionale e social networks analysis. Analisi delle strutture sociali, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2013
  • Watt, J. D., e Vodanovich, S. J., "Boredom proneness and psychosocial development", J. Psychol. 133, 303–314, 1999
  • Weber, Ann L., Social Psychology, Harper Perennial, 1992
  • Zampetti, Pier Luigi, L’uomo e il lavoro nella nuova società, Rusconi, 1984
"La noia", olio di Gaston La Touche, 1893
"La noia", olio di Gaston La Touche, 1893

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  Serie dei sentimenti  
Libri nella serie: Filosofia dell'amore  •  Emozioni e percezioni  •  Bellezza naturale  •  Noia e attività solitarie  •  Ragionamento sull'assurdo  •  Filosofia dell'amicizia  •  Il significato della vita  •  Emozione e immaginazione  •  Ascoltare l'anima
Bibliografie & Glossari: 1  •  2  •  3  •  4  •  5  •  6  •  7  •  8  •  9