Messianismo Chabad e la redenzione del mondo/Fonti secondarie
La Siddur Torah Ohr, edizione di un Siddur compilato dall'Alter Rebbe, Rav Schenur Zalman di Liadi, secondo la tradizione dell'ARIZaL (sfogliabile su Commons, 548pp.)
Fonti secondarie
modifica- Altshuler, Mor (2006) The Messianic Secret of Hasidism. Leiden & Boston: Brill.
- Berger, David (2001) The Rebbe, The Messiah, and the Scandal of Orthodox Indifference. Oxford: The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization.
- Buber, Martin (1948) Hasidism. New York: Citadel.
- Dan, Joseph:
- 1997 "Hasidism: The Third Century", pp. 415-426 in Hasidism Appraised. Ada Rapoport-Albert (cur.), Londra & Portland, Oregon: The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization.
- 1999 Jewish Mysticism. General Characteristics and Comparative Studies. Volume IV. Northvale, New Jersey & Gerusalemme: Jason Aronson Inc.
- 2006 Kabbalah. A Very Short Introduction. Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press.
- Cohon, Samuel, S. (1971) Jewish Theology: A Historical and Systematic Interpretation of Judaism and its Foundations. Assen: Royal VanGorcum.
- Dein, Simon (2001) "What Really Happens When Prophecy Fails: The Case of Lubavitch", pp. 383-401 in Sociology of Religion, 62:3.
- Dubnow, Simon (1969) Geschichte des Chassidismus. Gerusalemme: The Jewish Publ. House.
- Ehrlich, Avrum M. (2000) Leadership in the HaBaD Movement. A Critical Evaluation of HaBaD Leadership, History, and Succession. New Jersey & Gerusalemme: Jason Aronson Inc., Northvale.
- Elior, Rachel:
- 1998 "The Lubavitch Messianic Resurgence – The Historical and Mystical Background", pp. 383-408 in Toward the Millennium – Messianic Expectations From the Bible to Waco, Peter Schäfer et al. (curr.), Leiden: Brill.
- 2007 Jewish Mysticism. The Infinite Expression of Freedom. Oxford and Portland, Oregon: The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization.
- Encyclopedia Judaica:
- 2007 Encyclopedia Judaica, II Ediz.
- Etkes, Immanuel:
- 1997 "The Zaddik: The Interrelationship between Religious Doctrine and Social Organization", pp. 159-167 in Hasidism Appraised. Ada Rapoport-Albert (cur.), Londra & Portland, Oregon: The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization.
- 2005 The Besht: Magician, Mystic and Leader. Waltham, Massachusetts: Brandeis University Press.
- Ettinger, Shmuel (1997) "Hasidism and the Kahal in Eastern Europe", pp. 63-75 in Hasidism Appraised. Ada Rapoport-Albert (cur.), Londra & Portland, Oregon: The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization.
- Festinger, Leon, Riecken, Henry W., Schachter, Stanley (1964) When Prophesy Fails. New York: Harper Torchbooks.
- Fine, Lawrence:
- 1984 "Kabbalistic Texts". In Back to the Sources. Reading the Classical Jewish Texts. Barry W. Holtz (cur.), New York: A Touchstone Book.
- 1987 "The Contemplative Practice of Yihudim in Lurianic Kabbalah", pp. 64-98 in Jewish Spirituality II. From the Sixteenth-Century Revival to the Present. Volume 14 of World Spirituality: An Encyclopedic History of the Religious Quest. Arthur Green (cur.), New York: Crossroad.
- Fishkoff, Sue (2003) The Rebbe’s Army. Inside the World of Chabad-Lubavitch. New York: Schocken Books.
- Friedman, Menachem (1994) "Habad as Messianic Fundamentalism: From Local Particularism to Universal Mission", pp. 328-357 in Accounting for Fundamentalisms: The Dynamic Character of Movements (Fundamentalism Project, vol. 4). Martin E. Marty & R. Scott Appleby (curr.), Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
- Green, Arthur:
- 1984 "Teachings of the Hasidic Masters". In Back to the Sources. Reading the Classical Jewish Texts. Barry W. Holtz (cur.), New York: A Touchstone Book.
- 1997 "Early Hasidism: Some Old/New Questions", pp. 441-446 in Hasidism Appraised. Ada Rapoport-Albert (cur.), Londra & Portland, Oregon: The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization.
- Hacohen, Shmuel Avidor (2007) "Schneersohn, Menachem Mendel", pp. 148-140 in Encyclopedia Judaica, II ediz., vol. 18.
- Holtz, Barry W. (1984) "Introduction: On Reading Jewish Texts". In Back to the Sources. Reading the Classical Jewish Texts. Barry W. Holtz (cur.), New York: A Touchstone Book.
- Idel, Moshe:
- 1995 Hasidism Between Ecstasy and Magic. New York: State University of New York Press.
- 1998 Messianic Mystics. New Haven & Londra: Yale University Press.
- Jacobs, Louis:
- 1976 Jewish Mystical Testimonies. New York: Schocken Books.
- 1999 Beyond Reasonable Doubt. Londra & Portland, Oregon: The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization.
- Klausner, Joseph (1955) The Messianic Idea in Israel. From Its Beginning to the Completion of the Mishnah. New York: The Macmillian Company.
- La Barre, Weston (1971) Materials for a History of Studies of Crisis Cults: A Bibliographic Essay. Current Anthropology.
- Landau, David (1993) Piety and Power. The World of Jewish Fundamentalism. New York: Hill & Wang.
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- Loewenthal, Naftali:
- 1990 Communicating the Infinite: The Emergence of the Habad School. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
- 1997 "Habad Approaches to Contemplative Prayer", pp. 288-300 in Hasidism Appraised. Ada Rapoport-Albert (cur.), Londra & Portland, Oregon: The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization.
- Magid, Shaul (2003) Hasidism on the Margin: Reconciliation, Antinomianism, and Messianism in Izbica and Radzin Hasidism. Madison, Wisconsin: The University of Wisconsin Press.
- Marcus, Joel (2000) "The Once and Future Messiah in Early Christianity and Chabad", pp. 381-401 in New Testament Studies 46. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
- Meijers, Daniel (1997) "Differences in Attitudes to Study and Work between Present-day Hasidim and Mitnaggedim: A Sociological View", pp. 427-438 in Hasidism Appraised. Ada Rapoport-Albert (cur.), Londra & Portland, Oregon: The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization.
- Melton, J. G. (1985) "Spiritualization and Reaffirmation: What Really Happens When Prophesy Fails", p. 82 in American Studies 26(2).
- Neusner, Jacob (1984) Messiah In Context. Israel’s History and Destiny in Formative Judaism. Philadelphia: Fortress Press.
- Newman, Louis I. (1944) The Hasidic Anthology. Tales and Teachings of the Hasidim. New York: Bloch Publishing Company "The Jewish Book Concern".
- Nigal, Gedaliah (1997) "The Hasidic Tale and its Sources", pp. 345-354 in Hasidism Appraised. Ada Rapoport-Albert (cur.), Londra & Portland, Oregon: The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization.
- Rapoport-Albert Ada (1997) "Hasidism after 1772", pp. 76-140 in Hasidism Appraised. Ada Rapoport-Albert (cur.), Londra & Portland, Oregon: The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization.
- Ravitzky, Aviezer (1994) "The Contemporary Lubavitch Hasidic Movement: Between Conservatism and Messianism", pp. 303-327 in Accounting for Fundamentalisms: The Dynamic Character of Movements (Fundamentalism Project, vol. 4). Martin E. Marty & R. Scott Appleby (curr.), Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
- Rubinstein, Avraham (2007) "Chabad", pp. 553-555 in Encyclopedia Judaica, II ediz., vol. 4.
- Scholem, Gershom:
- 1969 Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism. New York: Schocken Books.
- 1971 The Messianic Idea in Judaism. And Other Essays on Jewish Spirituality. Londra: George Allen & Unwin Ltd.
- Singer, David (2003) "The Rebbe, The Messiah and the Heresy Hunter", pp. 42-49 in First Things [Online], maggio.
- Stroll, Avrum (2007) "Shneur Zalman of Lyady", pp. 501-505 in Encyclopaedia Judaica, II ediz., vol. 18.
- The Zohar:
- 2003 The Zohar by Shimon bar Yochai with the Sulam commentary by Yehuda Ashlag. Curato e compilato da Michael Berg. New York: Kabbalah Centre International.
- 2004 The Zohar ספר הזהר. Pritzker Edition. Traduzione e commentario di Daniel C. Matt. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.
- Tishby, Isaiah
- 1989 The Wisdom of the Zohar. Vol. II. Oxford: The Littman Library.
- 1989 The Wisdom of the Zohar. Vol. III. Oxford: The Littman Library.
- Werblowsky, Rafael J. Zwi (1974) "Messiah and Messianic Movements", pp. 1017-1022 in The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, vol. 11. Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc.
- Riviste
- "A Faith Grows in Brooklyn". National Geographic, febbraio 2006.
- "Men In Black". New York Times Magazine, 21 settembre 2003.
- Altri progetti
- Wikipedia contiene una voce su Chabad Lubavitch
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Per approfondire, vedi Introduzione allo Zohar. |
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- (He)Chabadpedia, wiki dedicata all'ebraismo Chabad
- Centri Chabad in Italia (con mappa)
- Lista dei rabbini Chabad in Italia (con contatti)
- Notiziari ufficiali di Chabad Lubavitch
- (EN) Chabad Lubavitch World Headquarters, su URL consultato il 28 gennaio 2021 (archiviato dall'url originale il 19 dicembre 2006).
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- Studi critici su Chabad Lubavitch
- I Lubavitcher e la loro presenza in Italia, articolo del CESNUR