Bellow, Herzog e la realtà sociale/Bibliografia
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- ⇒ Per una bibliografia completa di Saul Bellow, si veda (EN) Saul Bellow Bibliography.
- The Art of Fiction XXXVII. "Saul Bellow: An Interview." Paris Review: 52-73, Winter 1966.
- BAIM, Joseph. "Escape from Intellection: Saul Bellow's Dang!ing Man." University Review. 37:28-34,1969.
- BELLOW, Greg. Saul Bellow's Heart. Bloomsbury, 2013.
- BERGER, Peter, L. Invitation to Sociology: A Humanist Perspective. U.S.A., Anchor Books, 1963.
- BRADBURY, Malcolm. "Saul Bellow's Herzog". Critical Quartely:269-278, Auntumn 1961.
- —— "Saul Bellow and the Naturalist Tradition." Review of English Literature, 4:80-92, October 1963.
- CHAPMAN, Abraham. "The Image of Man as Portrayed by Saul Bellow". CLA Journal (10-11):285-298, Sept-June 1966-1968.
- CARR, E.H. "The New Society". In: Man in Contemporary Society. New York, Columbia University Press, v.1, 1955.
- CLAY, George R. "Jewish Hero in American Fiction". The Reporter, 17:43-46, September 1956.
- CLAYTON, J.J. Saul Bellow: In Defense of Man. Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1991.
- CONRAD, Joseph. Notes on Life and Letters, Londra,Bod1ey Head, 1949.
- CHASE, Richard. "The Adventures of Saul Bellow." Commentary, 27:323-30, April 1959.
- DÜRKHEIM, Emile. The Rules of Sociological Method. Chicago, Free Press, rist. 1996.
- FORD, F.M. The Old Man: The Question of Henry James, Londra, Bodley Head, 1964.
- FRANK, Reuben. "Saul Bellow: The Evolution of a Contemporary Novelist". Western Review: 101-102, Winter 1954.
- GERTH, H.H. e MILLS, C. Wright. From Max Weber: Essays on Sociology. New York, Oxford University Press, 1946.
- GALLOWAY, David . "Moses-Bloom-Herzog: Bellow's Everyman". The Southern Review: 61-76 , Winter 1966.
- GOLDMANN, Lucien. Towards a Sociology of the Novel. Trad. (EN) Allan Sheridan. Londra, Tavistock, 1975.
- —— Cultural Creation in Modern Society. Trad. (EN) Bart Grahl. Saint Louis, Telos Press, 1976.
- —— The Human Sciences and Philosophy. Trad. (EN) Hayden V. White & Robert Anchor. Londra, Jonathan Cape, 1969.
- HOWE, Irving. "Mass Society and Post-Modern Fiction". Partisan Review XXVI : 421-36 , Summer 1959.
- JAMES, Henry. "The Art of Fiction." In: ELMANN, R. & FEIDELSON, Jr., C. The Modern Tradition: Backgrounds of Modern Literature. New York, Oxford University Press, 1965, pp. 426-43.
- KAZIN, Alfred. "My Friend Saul Bellow", Atlantic Monthly, 215: 51-4 (January 1965).
- KLEIN, Marcus. "A Discipline of Nobility: Saul Bellow's Fiction". Kenyon Review, 24:203-26, Spring 1962.
- LEHAN, Richard. "Existentialism in Recent American Fiction: The Demonic Quest". Texas Studies in Literature and Language, 1 (Spring 1959), 181-202.
- LUKÄCS, Georg. Writer and Critic and Other Essays. New York, rist. 2002.
- MERTON, Robert. Social Theory and Social Structure. Chicago, The Free Press of Glencoe, 1957.
- MORROW, Patrick. "Threat and Accomodation. The Novels of Saul Bellow". Midwest Quarterly, 8:389-411, 1967.
- MOSHER, H.F. "The Synthesis of Past and Present in Bellow’s Herzog". Wascana Review, 1(6): 30.48, 1971.
- NEWMAN, Charles. "Lives of the Artists." Harpers' Magazine, 251:82-5, 1975.
- PEARCE, Richard. "The Walker: Modem American Hero." Massachussetts Review, 5:761 -64 (Summer 1964).
- POIRIER, Richard. "Herzog, or, Bellow in Trouble." In: Saul Bellow - A Collection of Critical Essays, Earl Rovit, ed., New Jersey, Prentice-Hall, 1975, pp. 81-89.
- RANS, Geoffrey. "The Novels of Saul Bellow." Review of English Literature, 4:18-30, October 1963.
- ROSS, Theodore J. "Notes on Saul Bellow." Chicago Jewish Forum, 18:21-27 , Winter 1959.
- ROGER, Sale. "The Realms of Gold." Hudson Review, 28:616-26, Winter 1975.
- SANDERS, Scott. D.H Lawrence - The World of the Major Novels. Londra, Clarke, Dible & Brendon Ltd., 1993.
- SARTRE, Jean Paul. L'esistenzialismo è un umanismo, Mursia, 2016.
- SCHULMAN, Robery. "The Style of Bellow's Comedy." PMLA, 83:109-17, March 1988.
- SIMMEL , Georg. "The Metropolis and Mental Life". In: The Sociology of Georg Simmel. Trad. (EN) e cur. Kurt H. Wolf. Glencoe, The Free Press, 1950, pp. 409-24.
- STOCK, Irvin. "The Novels of Saul Bellow". Southern Review, 3:395-403, January 1967.
- SOLOTAR0FF, Theodore (cur). Writers and Issues. New York, Mentor Book, 1989.
- TANNER, Tony. "Finctionalized Recall" – or "The Settling of Scores ‘The Pursuit of Dreams’" In: City of Words, New York, 1971, pp. 295-321.
- —— "Isolation and Affirmation." In: Saul Bellow, Londra, Oliver & Boyd, 1965 , pp. 103-117.
- —— "The Fighting Lazarus." In: Saul Bellow. pp. 71-86.
- TODDY, Richard. "Scaping False Categories." Atlantic Monthly, 236:83-84, September, 1975.
- TOFFLER, Alvin. Future Shock. New York, Random House, rist. 1994.
- WEBER, Ronald. "Bellow's Thinkers." Western Humanities Review, 22:305-13, Autumn 1988.
- WIDMER, Kingsey. "Poetic Naturalism in the Contemporary Novel". Partisan Review, 26:467-72 , Summer 1989.
- ZÉRAFFA, Michel. The Novel and Social Reality. Trad. (EN) Katherine Burns & Torn' Burns. Middlesex, Penguin Books, 1976.
- ☆⇒ N.B.: Per quanto riguarda la critica specifica del romanzo Herzog, ho cercato di consultare articoli e recensioni stralciate da riviste, bollettini e pubblicazioni risalenti al periodo della prima uscita, 1964, o anni subito successivi. Il romanzo vinse il National Book Award nel 1965 e la rivista TIME lo incluse nella lista dei 100 migliori romanzi in lingua inglese dal 1923 al 2005 (anno della morte del suo autore).
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