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"Cristo Pantocratore", Cattedrale di Cefalù, ca.1130
"Cristo Pantocratore", Cattedrale di Cefalù, ca.1130

Bibliografia & Riferimenti


Bibliografia specialistica, dal libro Biografie cristologiche (Wikibooks)


  • Allison, Dale C., The Jesus Tradition in Q, Trinity Press International, 1997
  • ——— , Jesus of Nazareth: Millenarian Prophet, Fortress, 1998
  • Alsup, John E., Post-Resurrection Appearance Stories of Gospel Tradition: A History of Tradition Analysis with Text-Synopsis, Calwer Verlag, 1975
  • Arnal, William e Michel Desjardins (curr.), Whose Historical Jesus?, Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1997
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  • Bannel, Ernst e C.F.D. Moule, Jesus and the Politics of His Day, Cambridge University Press, 1984
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  • Le Beau, Bryan F., Leondard Greenspoon e Dennis Hamm, curr., The Historical Jesus Through Jewish and Catholic Eyes, Trinity Press International, 2000
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  • Boring, M. Eugene, Sayings of the Risen Jesus: Christian Prophecy in the Synoptic Tradition, Cambridge University Press, 1982
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  • Braun, Herbert, Jesus of Nazareth: The Man and His Time, Fortress Press, 1979
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  • Cameron, Ron, Parable and Interpretation in the Gospel of Thomas, Forum, 1986
  • Collins, Adela Yarbro, "Daniel 7 and the Historical Jesus", in Of Scribes and Scrolls, Harold W. Attridge, John J. Collins e Thomas H. Tobin, curr., University Press of America, 1990
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  • Dahl, Nils Alstrup, Jesus in the Memory of the Early Church, Augsburg, 1976
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  • Scott, Bernard Brandon, Jesus, Symbol-Maker for the Kingdom, Fortress Press, 1981
  • Stanton, Graham N., Gospel Truth? New Light on Jesus and the Gospels, Trinity Press International, 1997
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  • Theissen, Gerd, The Miracle Stories of the Early Christian Tradition, Fortress Press, 1983
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  • Vermes, Geza, Jesus the Jew: An Historian's Reading of the Gospels, Fortress Press, 1981
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  • Walker, William O., "Jesus and the Tax Collectors", JBL 97:221-238, 1978
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  • Wilson, Ian, Jesus: The Evidence, Harper and Row, 1985
  • Witherington III, Ben, Women in the Ministry of Jesus: A Study of Jesus' Attitudes to Women and Their Roles As Reflected in His, Cambridge University Press, 1984
  • Wright, N. T., Jesus and the Victory of God, Fortress, 1996

Studi esegetici


(alcuni titoli vengono ripetuti dalle precedenti bibliografie, perché attinenti)

  • Adler, Yonatan, 2011. The Archaeology of Purity: Archaeological Evidence for the Observance of Ritual Purity in ‘Ereṣ-Israel from the Hasmonean Period until the End of the Talmudic Period (164 B.C.E–-400 C.E.), PhD dissertation (Bar Ilan University) (He)
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  • Crossan, John Dominic, 1991. The Historical Jesus: The Life of a Mediterranean Jewish Peasant (New York, Harper One)
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  • Wright, N. T., 1996. Jesus and the Victory of God (Londra, SPCK)

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