Chaim Potok e lo scontro culturale/Bibliografia
modificaOpere di Chaim Potok
modifica- The Chosen (1967), tr. Marcella Bonsanti, Danny l'eletto, Garzanti 1990 ISBN 88-11-66788-7 ISBN 88-11-02630-X ISBN 88-11-66831-X ISBN 88-11-68522-2 ISBN 978-88-11-68342-1 ISBN 978-88-11-68522-7 Film: Gli eletti (1988).
- The Promise (1969), tr. Marcella Bonsanti, La scelta di Reuven, Garzanti 2000 ISBN 88-11-66822-0 ISBN 88-11-66783-6 ISBN 88-11-68540-0 ISBN 978-88-11-68540-1
- My Name is Asher Lev (1972), tr. Donatella Saroli, Il mio nome è Asher Lev, Garzanti 1991 ISBN 88-11-66291-5 ISBN 88-11-66758-5 ISBN 88-11-66280-X ISBN 88-11-68563-X ISBN 978-88-11-68563-0
- In the Beginning (1975), tr. Mara Muzzarelli, In principio, Garzanti 2000 ISBN 88-11-66203-6 ISBN 978-88-11-67792-5
- Wanderings: History of the Jews (1978), tr. Maria Luisa Sgargetta e Piero Stefani, Storia degli ebrei, Garzanti 2003 ISBN 88-11-59742-0 ISBN 978-88-11-68075-8 ISBN 978-88-11-59742-1
- The Book of Lights (1981), tr. Mara Muzzarelli, Il libro delle luci, Garzanti 2004 ISBN 978-88-11-66246-4
- Theo Tobiasse (1986), Rizzoli ISBN 272910870X ISBN 9782729108700
- Davita's Harp (1985), tr. Dario Villa, L'arpa di Davita, Garzanti 1989 ISBN 88-11-66289-3 ISBN 88-11-68564-8 ISBN 88-11-66776-3 ISBN 88-11-66839-5 ISBN 978-88-11-68564-7
- The Gift of Asher Lev (1990), tr. Mara Muzzarelli, Il dono di Asher Lev, Garzanti 1997 ISBN 88-11-66817-4 ISBN 88-11-66280-X ISBN 978-88-11-67797-0
- I Am the Clay (1992), tr. Marcella Bassi, Io sono l'argilla, Garzanti 1993 ISBN 88-11-68517-6 ISBN 88-11-66294-X ISBN 978-88-11-68517-3
- The Tree of Here (1993), tr. Andrea Molesini, L'albero di qui, Mondadori 1999 ISBN 88-04-46492-5
- The Sky of Now (1994) ISBN 0679860215 ISBN 978-0679860211
- The Trope Teacher (1995), tr. Marcella Bassi, Il maestro della guerra, Garzanti 1996 ISBN 88-11-66768-2 ISBN 88-11-67008-X
- The Gates of November. Chronicles of the Slepak Family (1996), tr. Alberto Cristofori, Novembre alle porte, Garzanti 1998 ISBN 88-11-66174-9 ISBN 88-11-66941-3 ISBN 978-88-11-66941-8
- Zebra and Other Stories (1998), tr. Laura Noulian, Zebra e altri racconti, Garzanti 1999 ISBN 88-11-62037-6 ISBN 88-11-66967-7 ISBN 88-11-68547-8 ISBN 978-88-11-68547-0
- Isaac Stern: My First 79 Years (con Isaac Stern; 1999)
- Old Men at Midnight (2001), tr. Mara Muzzarelli, Vecchi a mezzanotte, Garzanti 2002 ISBN 88-11-66499-3 ISBN 978-88-11-66499-4 ISBN 978-88-11-68057-4; Corbaccio 2006 ISBN 978-88-7972-789-1
- Conversations with Chaim Potok, a cura di Daniel Walden (University Press of Mississippi, 2001)
Fonti secondarie
modifica- Aarons, Victoria. "The Outsider within: Women in Contemporary Jewish-American Fiction." Contemporary Literature 28.3 (Autumn 1987): 378–393. JSTOR.
- Abramson, Edward A. Chaim Potok. Boston: Twayne, 1986. Twayne’s United States Authors Service.
- "Chaim Potok." American Diversity, American Identity: The Lives and Works of 145 Writers Who Define the American Experience. Ed. John K. Roth. New York: Holt, 1995. 180–83.
- Kauvar, Elaine M. "An Interview With Chaim Potok.” Conversations With Chaim Potok. Ed. Daniel Walden. Jackson, MS: UP of Mississippi, 2001. 63–87. Literary Conversations Service.
- Kremer, S. Lillian. "Dedalus in Brooklyn: Influences of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man on My Name is Asher Lev." Ed. Daniel Walden. Studies in American Jewish Literature 4: The World of Chaim Potok. Albany, NY: State U of New York P, 1985. 26–38.
- ———. "An Interview With Chaim Potok." Conversations With Chaim Potok. Ed. Daniel Walden. Jackson, MS: UP of Mississippi, 2001. 31–45. Literary Conversations Service.
- ———. "Post-alienation: Recent Directions in Jewish-American Literature." Contemporary Literature 34.3 (Autunno 1993): 571–91. JSTOR.
- Marovitz, Sanford E. "The Book of Lights: Jewish Mysticism in the Shadow of the Bomb." Ed. Daniel Walden. Studies in American Jewish Literature 4: The World of Chaim Potok. Albany, NY: State U of New York P, 1985. 62–83.
- McClymond, Kathryn. "The Chosen: Defining American Judaism." Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies 25.2 (Inverno 2007): 4–23. Project Muse.
- Ribalow, Harold. "A Conversation with Chaim Potok." Ed. Daniel Walden. Conversations With Chaim Potok. Jackson, MS: UP of Mississippi, 2001. 1–27. Literary Conversations Service.
- Sternlicht, Sanford. Chaim Potok: A Critical Companion. Westport, CN: Greenwood, 2000. Critical Companions to Popular Contemporary Writers.
- Tanakh: The Holy Scriptures—The New JPS Translation According to the Traditional Hebrew Text. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 1985.
- Walden, Daniel. "Chaim Potok, A Zwischenmensch (‘between-person’) Adrift in the Cultures." Ed. Walden. Studies in American Jewish Literature 4: The World of Chaim Potok. Albany, NY: State U of New York P, 1985. 19–25.
- Zlotnick, Joan. "The Chosen Borough: Chaim Potok’s Brooklyn." Ed. Daniel Walden. Studies in American Jewish Literature 4: The World of Chaim Potok. Albany, NY: State U of New York P, 1985. 13–18.
Altri progetti
modifica- Wikiquote contiene citazioni di o su Chaim Potok
- Wikipedia contiene una voce su Chaim Potok
Collegamenti esterni
modifica- Scheda autore: Chaim Potok, su GarzantiLibri
- Sito dedicato a Chaim Potok, creato da William M. Allen, Ph.D., Università La Sierra, USA
- Chaim Potok, sulla Jewish Virtual Library
- Introduzione all'archivio Potok: "Chaim Potok papers Ms. Coll. 730" presso University of Pennsylvania Libraries
- Intervista con Quiara Alegría Hudes in Guernica, luglio 2012
Per approfondire, vedi Identità e letteratura nell'ebraismo del XX secolo. |