Israele – La scelta di un popolo/Bibliografia: differenze tra le versioni

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Riga 88:
* Baron, Salo W., The Jewish Community, 3 vols. Philadelphia, 1942
* —— "Yehudah Halevi: An Answer to an Historic Challenge." Jewish Social Studies 3 (1941)
* Berger, M. S., "Toward a New Understanding of Judah Halevi's Kuzari." Journal of Religion 72 (1992)
* Berkovits, Eliezer, Man and God: Studies in Biblical Theology. Detroit, 1969
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* Bodoff, L./'Was Yehudah Halevi a Racist?" Judaism 38 (1989)
* Borowitz, Eugene B., Renewing the Covenant. Philadelphia, 1991
* Brinner, W. and S. D. Ricks (eds.), Studies in Islamic and Jewish Traditions. Atlanta, 1986
* Buber, Martin, I and Thou, trans. W. Kaufmann. New York, 1970
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* —— The Knowledge of Man: A Philosophy of the Interhuman, ed. M. Friedman. New York and Evanston, 1965
* —— Kdnigtum Gottes, 3rd rev. ed. Heidelberg, 1956
* —— On the Bible: Eighteen Essays, trans. M. A. Meyer; ed. Nahum N. Glatzer. New York, 1968
* —— Two Types of Faith, trans. N. P. Goldhawk. New York, 1962
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Biichler* Büchler, Adolf, ''Studies in Sin and Atonement in the Rabbinic Literature of the First Century'' (reprint). New York, 1967
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Religion of Reason Out of the Sources of Judaism, trans. S. Kaplan. New York, 1972
* Efros, Israel, Studies in Medieval Jewish Philosophy. New York and London, 1974
Cohen, Richard A., Elevations: The Height of the Good in Rosenzweig and Levinas. Chicago, 1994
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* Fackenheim, Emil L., God's Presence in History: Jewish Affirmations and Philosophical Reflections. New York, 1970
Epstein, Baruch Halevi, Torah Temimah, 5 vols. (reprint). New York, 1962
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Fackenheim, Emil L., God's Presence in History: Jewish Affirmations and
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To Mend the World: Foundations of Future Jewish Thought. New York,
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* Ginzberg, Louis, The Legends of the Jews, 7 vols. Philadelphia, 1909—I938
Fox, M. (ed.), Modern Jewish Ethics. Columbus, Ohio, 1975
* Glatzer, Nahum N., Franz Rosenzweig: His Life and Thought, 2nd rev. ed. New York, 1961
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* Goodman, L. E. (ed), JVeoplatonism and Jewish Thought. Albany, N.Y., 1992
the Bible. London, 1949
* Gordis, Robert, The Book of God and Man: A Study of Job. Chicago, 1965
Gelhaar, S. S., Prophetie und Gesetz bei Jehudah Halevi, Maimonides und Spinoza. Frankfurt-on-Main, 1987
* Goren, Shlomo, Tor at Ha-Mo'adim. Tel Aviv, 1964
Gibbs, Robert Correlations in Rosenzweig and Levinas. Princeton, 1992
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Glatzer* Guttmann, Nahum N.Julius, FranzPhilosophies Rosenzweig:of His Life and ThoughtJudaism, 2ndtrans. revD. edW. Silverman New York, 19611964
* Guttmann, Michael, Das Judenthum und seine Umwelt. Berlin, 1927
Goodman, L. E. (ed), JVeoplatonism and Jewish Thought. Albany, N.Y., 1992
* Haberman, Joshua O., Philosopher of Revelation: The Life and Thought of S. L. Steinheim. Philadelphia, 1990
Gordis, Robert, The Book of God and Man: A Study of Job. Chicago, 1965
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* Hartman, David, A Living Covenant: The Innovative Spirit in Traditional Judaism. New York, 1985
Greenwald, Yekutiel Y., Kol Bo Al Avelut. New York, 1965
* Heinemann, Isaak, Darkhei Ha Aggadah, 2nd ed. Jerusalem, 1954
Guttmann, Julius, Philosophies of Judaism, trans. D. W. Silverman
* Heschel, Abraham Joshua, God in Search of Man: A Philosophy of Judaism. New York, 1955
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Guttmann, Michael, Das Judenthum und seine Umwelt. Berlin, 1927
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Haberman, Joshua O., Philosopher of Revelation: The Life and Thought of
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S. L. Steinheim. Philadelphia, 1990
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Halivni, David Weiss, Meqorot U-Mesorot: Nashim. Tel Aviv, 1968
* Josephus, Antiquities, 6 vols., trans. H. St. John Thackeray et al. Cambridge, Mass., 1930-1965
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Judaism* Kadushin, Max, The Rabbinic Mind. New York, 19851952
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Heinemann, Isaak, Darkhei Ha Aggadah, 2nd ed. Jerusalem, 1954
* Kaplan, Mordecai M., Judaism as a Civilization. New York, 1934
Heschel, Abraham Joshua, God in Search of Man: A Philosophy of
* —— The Purpose and Meaning of Jewish Existence. Philadelphia, 1964
Judaism. New York, 1955
* Kasher, Menachem M., Haggadah Shlemah, 3rd ed. Jerusalem, 1967
Man is Not Alone: A Philosophy of Religion. Philadelphia, 1951
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The Prophets. Philadelphia, 1962
Jewish* Encyclopedia—— Torah Shlemah, 1211 vols. New(reprint). YorkJerusalem, 19161992
* Kasher, M. M. et al. (eds.), Leo Jung Jubilee Volume. New York, 1962
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* Katz, Jacob, "Af-al-pi She-Hata Yisra'el Hu." Tarbiz 27 (1958)
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* Kaufmann, Yehezkel, The Religion of Israel, trans. M. Greenberg. Chicago, 1960
Cambridge, Mass., 1930-1965
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Kadushin, Max, The Rabbinic Mind. New York, 1952
* Kellner, Menachem, Dogma in Medieval Jewish Thought: From Maimonides to Abravanel. Oxford, 1986
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* Klatzkin, Jacob, Hermann Cohen. Berlin and London, 1923
The Purpose and Meaning of Jewish Existence. Philadelphia, 1964
* Kohut, Alexander, Aruch Completum, 9 vols. New York, n.d.
Kasher, Menachem M., Haggadah Shlemah, 3rd ed. Jerusalem, 1967
* Leibowitz, Yeshayahu, Yahadut, Am Yehudi U-Medinat Yisrael. Jerusalem, 1976
Israel Passover Haggadah. New York, 1964
* Levenson, Jon D., Creation and the Persistence of Evil: The Jewish Drama of Divine Omnipotence. San Francisco, 1988
Torah Shlemah, 11 vols. (reprint). Jerusalem, 1992
* —— ''Sinai and Sion: An Entry into the Hebrew Bible''. Minneapolis, 1985
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* Lieberman, Saul, Tosefta Kifshuta, 12 vols. New York, 1955—1988
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* Loewe Judah, (Maharal), ''Gevurot Ha-Shem''. Cracow, 1582
Kaufmann, Yehezkel, The Religion of Israel, trans. M. Greenberg.
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* Luzzatto, Samuel David, Commentary on the Torah, ed. P. Schlesinger. Tel Aviv, 1965
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* Malbim, Meir Leibush, Commentary on the Torah, 2 vols. (reprint). New York, 1956
Kellner, Menachem, Dogma in Medieval Jewish Thought: From Maimonides
* Mann, Jacob, The Bible as Read and Preached in the Old Synagogue. Cincinnati, 1940
to Abravanel. Oxford, 1986
* Mendes-Flohr, P. (ed.), The Philosophy of Franz Rosenzweig. Hanover and London, 1988
Maimonides on Judaism and the Jewish People. Albany, N.Y., 1991
* Moses, Stephane, System and Revelation: The Philosophy of Franz Rosenzweig, trans. C. Tihanyi. Detroit, 1992
Klatzkin, Jacob, Hermann Cohen. Berlin and London, 1923
* Neusner, Jacob, A Life of Yohanan ben £akkai. Leiden, 1962
Kohut, Alexander, Aruch Completum, 9 vols. New York, n.d.
* Novak, David "Before Revelation: The Rabbis, Paul, and Karl Barth." Journal of Religion 71 (1991)
Leibowitz, Yeshayahu, Yahadut, Am Yehudi U-Medinat Yisrael. Jerusalem,
* —— Halakhah in a Theological Dimension. Chico, Calif., 1985
* —— The Image of the Non-Jew in Judaism: An Historical and Constructive
Levenson, Jon D., Creation and the Persistence of Evil: The Jewish Drama
* —— Study of the Noahide Laws. New York and Toronto, 1983
of Divine Omnipotence. San Francisco, 1988
* —— Jewish-Christian Dialogue: A Jewish Justification. New York, 1989
Sinai and £ion: An Entry into the Hebrew Bible. Minneapolis, 1985
Lieberman,* Saul,—— Tosefta Kifshuta,Jewish 12Social volsEthics. New York, 1955—19881992
* —— The Theology of Nahmanides Systematically Presented. Atlanta, 1992
Loewejudah, (Maharal), Gevurot Ha-Shem. Cracow, 1582
* Nuriel, A., "The Divine Will in the Kuzari." Jerusalem Studies in Jewish Thought 9 (1990)
Netsah Yisrael. Prague, 1599
* Petuchowski, Jakob J., Ever Since Sinai. New York, 1961
Luzzatto, Samuel David, Commentary on the Torah, ed. P. Schlesinger.
* ''Prayerbook Reform in Europe: The Liturgy of European Liberal and Reform Judaism''. New York, 1968
Tel Aviv, 1965
* Pines, Shlomo, "Shi'ite Terms and Conceptions in Judah Halevi's Kuzari" Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 2 (1980)
Malbim, Meir Leibush, Commentary on the Torah, 2 vols. (reprint).
* Reischer, Jacob, Teshuvot Shevut Taaqov (reprint). Jerusalem, 1971
New York, 1956
* Rosenbloom, N. H., Tradition in an Age of Reform: The Religious Philosophy of Samson Raphael Hirsch. Philadelphia, 1976
Mann, Jacob, The Bible as Read and Preached in the Old Synagogue.
* Rosenzweig, Franz, Briefe, ed. E. Rosenzweig. Berlin, 1935
Cincinnati, 1940
Mendes-Flohr* —— Briefe und Tagebucher, P2 vols., (ed.), TheR. PhilosophyRosenzweig ofand FranzE. Rosenzweig-Scheinmann. HanoverThe Hague, 1979
* —— Jehuda Halevi: funfundneunzig Hymnen und Gedichte (reprint). The Hague, 1983
and London, 1988
* —— Kleinere Schriften, ed. E. Rosenzweig. Berlin, 1937
Moses, Stephane, System and Revelation: The Philosophy of Franz Rosenzweig,
* —— On Jewish Learning, trans. W. Wolf, ed. Nahun N. Glatzer. New York, 1955
trans. C. Tihanyi. Detroit, 1992
* —— Die Schrift: Aufsdtze, Ubertragungen und Briefe, ed. K. Thieme. Konigstein, 1984
Neusner, Jacob, A Life of Yohanan ben £akkai. Leiden, 1962
* —— The Star of Redemption, trans. W. W. Hallo. New York, 1970
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Barth." Journal of Religion 71 (1991)
* —— Understanding the Sick and the Healthy: A View of the World, Man, and God, trans. T. Luckman. New York, 1954
"Buber and Tillich," Journal of Ecumenical Studies 29 (1992)
* Schechter, Solomon, Some Aspects of Rabbinic Theology (reprint). New York, 1936
"Buber's Critique of Heidegger." Modern Judaism 5 (1985)
* Schnied-Kowarzik, W. (ed.), Der Philosoph Franz Rosenzweig. Munich,
Halakhah in a Theological Dimension. Chico, Calif., 1985
* Schoeps, Hans-Joachim, Ausfruhchristlicher £eit: Religionsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen. Tubingen, 1950
The Image of the Non-Jew in Judaism: An Historical and Constructive
* Scholem, Gershom, Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism, 3rd rev. ed. New York, 1961
Study of the Noahide Laws. New York and Toronto, 1983
* —— The Messianic Idea in Judaism, trans. M. A. Meyer. New York, 1971
Jewish-Christian Dialogue: A Jewish Justification. New York, 1989
* —— On the Kabbalah and its Symbolism, trans. R. Manheim. New York, 1969
Jewish Social Ethics. New York, 1992
* —— Pirqei-Yesod Be-Havanat Ha-Kabbalah Ve-Simleiha, trans. Y. Ben-Shlomo. Jerusalem, 1980
Law and Theology in Judaism, 2 vols. New York, 1974, 1976
* —— Sabbatai Sevi: The Mystical Messiah, trans. R. J. Z. Werblowsky. Princeton, 1973
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* —— "Schopfung aus Nichts und Selbstverschrankung Gottes," Eranos Jahrbuch 25 (1956)
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* Schreiber, Moses, Teshuvot Hatam Sofer, 3 vols. (reprint). New York, 1958
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* Sed-Rajna, G. (ed.), Rashi 1040-iggo: Hommage a Ephraim E. Urbach. Paris, 1993
* Siegel, S. and E. B. Gertel (eds.), God in the Teachings of Conservative Judaism. New York, 1983
The Theology of Nahmanides Systematically Presented. Atlanta, 1992
* Silberg, Moshe, Bain K'Ehad. Jerusalem, 1981
"WhenJews Become Christians." First Things 17 (November, 1991)
* Silman, Yohanan, Bein Filosof Le-Navi: Hitpaihut Haguto Shel Rabbi Tehudah Halevi Be-Sefer Ha-Kuzari. Ramat-Gan, 1985
Nuriel, A., "The Divine Will in the Kuzari." Jerusalem Studies in
* —— "Ha-Taamim Ha-Shitatiyyim Le-Rayon Behirat Yisra'el Be-Sefer Ha-Kuzari." Sinai 80 (1977)
Jewish Thought 9 (1990)
* Simon, Marcel, Verus Israel: A Study of the Relations Between Christians and Jews in the Roman Empire (135-425), trans. H. McKeating. New York, 1986
Petuchowski, Jakob J., Ever Since Sinai. New York, 1961
* Soloveitchik, Joseph B., The Lonely Man of Faith. New York, 1992
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* Sperling, Abraham, Isaac, Sefer Ha-Minhagim U-Meqorei Ha-Dinim. Jerusalem, 1972
Reform Judaism. New York, 1968
* Strauss, Leo, Persecution and the Art of Writing. Glencoe, 111., 1952
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* Tewes, J., Zum Existenzbegriff Franz Rosenzweigs. Meisenheim am Glan, 1970
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* Tishby, Isaiah, Mishnat Ha-^ohar, 2 vols. Jerusalem, 1961
Philosophy of Samson Raphael Hirsch. Philadelphia, 1976
* Twersky, Isadore, ''Bibliography to the Code of Maimonides (Mishneh Torah)''. New Haven, Conn., 1980
Rosenzweig, Franz, Briefe, ed. E. Rosenzweig. Berlin, 1935
* Urbach, Ephraim E., ''Hazal: Pirqei Emunot Ve-Deot''. Jerusalem, 97
Briefe und Tagebucher, 2 vols., ed. R. Rosenzweig and E. Rosenzweig-
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* Wolfson, Harry A., ''Philo'', 2 vols. Cambridge, Mass., 1947
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* Yosef, Ovadia, ''Teshuvot Tab fa Omer'', 6 vols. Jerusalem, 1980
Kleinere Schriften, ed. E. Rosenzweig. Berlin, 1937
* Zac, Sylvain, ''La Philosophie religieuse de Hermann Cohen''. Paris, 1984
On Jewish Learning, trans. W. Wolf, ed. Nahun N. Glatzer. New
York, 1955
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Konigstein, 1984
The Star of Redemption, trans. W. W. Hallo. New York, 1970
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York, 1936
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Untersuchungen. Tubingen, 1950
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The Messianic Idea in Judaism, trans. M. A. Meyer. New York, 1971
On the Kabbalah and its Symbolism, trans. R. Manheim. New York, 1969
Pirqei-Yesod Be-Havanat Ha-Kabbalah Ve-Simleiha, trans. Y. Ben-
Shlomo. Jerusalem, 1980
Sabbatai Sevi: The Mystical Messiah, trans. R. J. Z. Werblowsky.
Princeton, 1973
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Jahrbuch 25 (1956)
Schreiber, Moses, Teshuvot Hatam Sofer, 3 vols. (reprint). New York,
Sed-Rajna, G. (ed.), Rashi 1040-iggo: Hommage a Ephraim E. Urbach.
Paris, 1993
Siegel, S. and E. B. Gertel (eds.), God in the Teachings of Conservative
Judaism. New York, 1983
Silberg, Moshe, Bain K'Ehad. Jerusalem, 1981
Silman, Yohanan, Bein Filosof Le-Navi: Hitpaihut Haguto Shel Rabbi
Tehudah Halevi Be-Sefer Ha-Kuzari. Ramat-Gan, 1985
"Ha-Taamim Ha-Shitatiyyim Le-Rayon Behirat Yisra'el Be-Sefer
Ha-Kuzari." Sinai 80 (1977)
Simon, Marcel, Verus Israel: A Study of the Relations Between Christians
and Jews in the Roman Empire (135-425), trans. H. McKeating.
New York, 1986
Soloveitchik, Joseph B., The Lonely Man of Faith. New York, 1992
Sperling, Abraham, Isaac, Sefer Ha-Minhagim U-Meqorei Ha-Dinim.
Jerusalem, 1972
Strauss, Leo, Persecution and the Art of Writing. Glencoe, 111., 1952
Philosophy and Law, trans. F. Baumann. Philadelphia, 1987
"Quelques remarques sur la science politique de Maimonide et de
Farabi." Revue des Etudes juives 100 (1936)
Tewes, J., Zum Existenzbegriff Franz Rosenzweigs. Meisenheim am
Glan, 1970
Tishby, Isaiah, Mishnat Ha-^ohar, 2 vols. Jerusalem, 1961
Twersky, Isadore, Bibliography to the Code of Maimonides (Mishneh Torah). New Haven, Conn., 1980
Urbach, Ephraim E., Hazal: Pirqei Emunot Ve-Deot. Jerusalem, 97
Uziel, Ben Zion, Teshuvot Mishpatei Uziel: Even Ha Ezer. Jerusalem, 1964
Wolfson, Harry A., Philo, 2 vols. Cambridge, Mass., 1947
Wyschogrod, Michael, The Body of Faith: Judaism as Corporeal Election. New York, 1983
Yosef, Ovadia, Teshuvot Tab fa Omer, 6 vols. Jerusalem, 1980
Zac, Sylvain, La Philosophie religieuse de Hermann Cohen. Paris, 1984
=== Testi generali ===