Cambiamento e transizione nell'Impero Romano/Bibliografia: differenze tra le versioni

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Riga 98:
* Abbot, F.F., Johnson, A.C. ''Municipal Administration in the Empire''. princeton, 1926.
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* Anderson, J.G.C. "The genesis of Diocletian's provincial reorganisation", ''JRS'', 1932, pp. 24 segg.
* Andreau, J. "Les financiers romains entre le ville et la campagne", in Leveau, Ph., ''L’origine des richesses despensées dans la ville antique. Actes du colloque Aix-en-Provence 11-12 Mai 1984''. Aix-en-Provence, 1985.
* Anello, P., ''et alii''. ''Studi di storia antica offerti dagli allievi a E. Manni''. Roma, 1976.
* D'Arms, J.H. ''Romans on the Bay of Naples''. Cambridge (Mass.), 1970.
* D'Arms, J.H. ''Commerce and Social Standing in Ancient Rome''. Cambridge (Mass.), 1981.
* D'Arms J.H., Kopff, E.C. curr. ''Roman Seaborne Commerce''. ''MAAR'' 36. Roma, 1980.
* Armstrong, A.M., cur. ''The Cambridge History of Later Greek and Early Medieval Philosophy''. Cambridge, 1967.
* Aubin, H. ''Vom Altertum zum Mittelalter''. München, 1949.
* Avi-Yonah, M. ''Oriental Art in Roman Palestine''. Roma, 1961.
* Aymard, A. "Les capitalistes romaines et la viticulture italienne", ''Annales ESC'', 1947, pp. 257-265.
* Bachelard, G. ''La philosophie du Non''. Parigi, 1940.
* Baillie-Reynolds, P.K. ''The Vigiles of Imperial Rome''. Oxford, 1926.
== Altri progetti ==