Probabilità/Ripasso di matematica: differenze tra le versioni

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Annullata la modifica 280813 di The Conny Project (discussione)
Riga 204:
<!--*A = P(A) ∑[0, 1]
*NOTNON A = P(A') = 1 – P(A)
*A ORO B = P(AUB) = P(A) + P(B) – P(A∩B) = P(A) + P(B) [*if and only if A and B are mutually exclusive]
*A ANDE B = P(A∩B) = P(A/B)*P(B) = P(A)*P(B) [* if and only if A and B are independent]
*A GIVENCONDIZIONATO A B = P(A|B) = P(A∩b)/P(B) [*conditional]
'''Basic Set Theory'''
'''UNIONUNIONE:''' combined area ofcombinata setdegli insiemi A ande B, knownsi asscrive AUB. TheE' setl'insieme ofdi alltutti itemsgli whichelementi areche membersappartengono ofsia eitherad A orche a B
*Union of A and B are added together
*Alcune proprietà base dell'unione:
*Some basic properties of unions:
*A c (AUB)
*AUA = A
*AU0 = A, wheredove 0 = nullnullo, emptyinsieme setvuoto
*A c B, ifse ande onlysolo ifse AUB = B
'''INTERSECTIONINTERSEZIONE''': area where bothdove A ande B overlapsono sovrapposti, knownsi asscrive A∩B. It represents which members the two sets A and B have in common
*IfSe A∩B = 0, thenallora A ande B aresi diconoare said to be '''DISJOINT'''.
*Alcune proprietà base dell'intersezione:
*Some basic properties of intersections:
*A∩B = B∩A
*A∩(B∩C) = (A∩B)∩C