Israele – La scelta di un popolo/Bibliografia: differenze tra le versioni

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Riga 228:
=== Testi generali ===
* Abbott, W. M. (ed.), ''The Documents of Vatican II'', trans. J. Gallagher et al. London and Dublin, 1966
* Alexander, Samuel, ''Spinoza and Time''. London, 1921
* Allison, H. E., ''Benedict de Spinoza''. Boston, 1975
* ''The Apostolic Fathers'', 2 vols., trans. K. Lake. Cambridge, Mass., 1912
* Arendt, Hannah, ''Lectures on Kant's Political Philosophy'', ed. R. Beiner. Chicago, 1982
* ——— ''The Life of the Mind'', 2 vols. New York, 1978
* Aristotle, ''Metaphysics'', 2 vols., trans. H. Tredennick. Cambridge,Mass., 1933
* —— ''Nicomachean Ethics'', trans. H. Rackham. Cambridge, Mass., 1926
* —— ''Physics'', 2 vols., trans. F. M. Cornford. Cambridge, Mass., 1929
* —— ''Politics'', trans. H. Rackham. Cambridge, Mass., 1932
* Ashby, G., ''Sacrifice: Its Nature and Purpose''. London, 1969
* Augustine, ''The Basic Writings'', 2 vols., ed. W. J. Oates. New York, 1948
* Avineri, Shlomo, ''The Social and Political Thought of Karl Marx''. Cambridge, 1968
* Barth, Karl, ''Church Dogmatics'', 2/2, trans. G. W. Bromiley et al. Edinburgh, 1957
* Bergson, Henri, ''Time and Free Will'', trans. F. L. Pogson. New York, 1910
* Boman, T., ''Hebrew Thought Compared with Greek'', trans. J. L. Moreau. London and New York, 1970
* Buckley, Michael J., ''At the Origin of Modern Atheism''. New Haven, Conn., 1987
* Buren, Paul van, ''A Theology of the Jewish-Christian Reality'', 2 vols., San Francisco, 1980, 1983
* Calvin, John, ''Institutes of the Christian Religion'', 2 vols., trans. F. L. Battles. Philadelphia, i960
* Caspar, Bernhard, ''Das Dialogischen Denken: Eine Untersuchung der religionsphilosophischen Bedeutung Franz Rosenzweigs, Ferdinand Ebners und Martin Buber''. Freiburg, 1967
* Clark, R. W., ''Einstein: The Life and Times''. New York, 1971
* da Costa, Uriel, ''Schriften'', ed. G. Gebhardt. Amsterdam, 1922
* Eichrodt, W., ''Theology of the Old Testament'', 2 vols., trans. J. A. Baker. Philadelphia, 1961
* Ellul, Jacques, ''The Technological System'', trans. J. Neugroschel. New York, 1980
* —— ''The Theological Foundation of Law'', trans. M. Wieser. Garden City, N.Y., i960
* Feuer, Lewis S., ''Spinoza and the Rise of Liberalism''. Boston, Mass., 1958
* Hampshire, Stuart,'' Spinoza'', rev. ed. Middlesex, 1987
* Hegel, G. W. F., ''Phänomenologie des Geistes'', ed. J. Hoffmeister. Hamburg, 1952
* —— ''Phenomenology of Spirit'', trans. A. V. Miller. Oxford, 1977
* —— ''Philosophy of Right'', trans. T. M. Knox. Oxford, 1952
* Heidegger, Martin, ''Being and Time'', trans. J. Macquarrie and E. Robinson. New York and Evanston, 1962
* —— ''A Bibliography to Metaphysics'', trans. R. Manheim. Garden City, N.Y., 1961
* Hessing, S. (ed.), ''Speculum Spinozanum: i6yy—igyy''. London, 1978
* * —— ''Spinoza: Dreihundert Jahre Ewigkeit'', 2nd enlarged ed. The Hague, 1962
* Hume, David, ''A Treatise of Human Nature'', ed. L. A. Selby-Bigge. Oxford, 1888
* Husserl, Edmund, ''Ideas: An Bibliography to Pure Phenomenology'', trans. W. R. B. Gibson. New York, 1962
* Kant, Immanuel, ''Critique of Judgmen''t, trans. J. H. Bernard. New York, 1951
* —— ''Critique of Practical Reason'', trans. L. W. Beck. Indianapolis, 1956
Riga 269:
* —— 'Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals'', trans. H. J. Paton. New York, 1964
* —— ''Religion Within the Limits of Reason Alone'', trans. T. M. Greene and H. H. Hudson. New York, i960
* Kaufmann, Walter, ''Hegel: A Reinterpretation''. Garden City, N.Y., 1966
* Levinas, Emmanuel, ''Totality and Infinity'', trans. A. Lingis. Pittsburgh, 1969
* Levy, Ze'ev, ''Baruch or Benedict: On Some Jewish Aspects of Spinoza's Philosophy''. New York, 1989
* Lindbeck, George A., ''The Nature of Doctrine: Religion and Theology in a Postliberal Age''. Philadelphia, 1984
* Lonergan, Bernard, ''Insight'', 3rd ed. San Francisco, 1970
* Lucas, J., ''The Oldest Biography of Spinoza'', ed. A. Wolf. New York, 1927
* McShea, Robert, ''The Political Philosophy of Spinoza''. New York, 1967
* Marx, Karl, ''Zur Judenfrage''. Berlin, 1919
* Meek, T., "The Translation of Ger in the Hexateuch." ''Journal of Biblical Literature'' 49 (1930)
* Mendenhall, George, ''Law and Covenant in Israel and the Ancient Near East''. Pittsburgh, 1955
* ''Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers', 2nd series, vol. 5. Grand Rapids, Mich., 1983
* ''New Testament'', trans. E. J. Goodspeed. Chicago, 1923
Riga 284:
* Nygren, Anders, ''Eros and Agape'', trans. P. Watson. Chicago, 1982
* Origen, ''Contra Celsum'', ed. M. Borret. Paris, 1967
* Palliere, Aime, ''The Unknown Sanctuary'', trans. L. W. Wise; intro. David Novak. New York, 1985
* Pannenberg, Wolfhart, ''Systematic Theology'', vol. 1, trans. G. W. Bromiley. Grand Rapids, Mich., 1991
* Pines, Shlomo, "Spinoza's Tractatus Theologico-Politicus." ''Scripta Hierosolymitana'' 20 (1968)
* Plant, R. ''Hegel''. Bloomington and London, 1973
Riga 294:
* —— ''Theaetetus'', trans. H. N. Fowler. Cambridge, Mass., 1925
* —— ''Timaeus'', trans. R. G. Bury. Cambridge, Mass., 1929
* Popper, Karl, ''The Open Society and its Enemies'', 2 vols. Princeton, 1962
* Rad, G. von, ''Old Testament Theology'', 2 vols. trans. D. M. G. Stalker. New York, 1962
* Rawls, John, ''A Theory of Justice''. Cambridge, Mass., 1971
* Ricoeur, Paul, ''Hermeneutics and the Human Sciences'', ed. and trans. J. B. Thompson. Cambridge, 1981
* —— ''The Symbolism of Evil'', trans. E. Buchanan. New York and Evanston, 1967
* Rowley, H. H., ''The Biblical Doctrine of Election''. London, 1950
* Ruether, Rosemary, ''Faith and Fratricide: The Theological Roots of Anti-Semitism''. New York, 1974
* Russell, Bertrand, ''The Problems of Philosophy''. Oxford, 1959
* Sachs, M., ''Einstein versus Bohr: The Continuing Controversies in Physics''. La Salle, 111., 1988
* Sartre, Jean-Paul, ''Anti-Semite—and Jew'', trans. George J. Becker. New York, 1965
* —— ''Reflexions sur la question juive''. Paris, 1946
* Schwartz, Joel, "Liberalism and the Jewish Connection: A Study of Spinoza and the Young Marx." Political Theory 13 (1985)
* Seneca, ''De Clementia'', trans. A. Stewart. London, 1900
* Sonderegger, Katherine, ''That Jesus Christ was Born a Jew: Karl Barth's "Doctrine of Israel33Israel"''. University Park, Pa, 1992
* Spinoza, Baruch, ''Collected Works'', 2 vols., trans. E. Curley. Princeton, 1985
* —— ''Correspondence'', ed. and trans. A. Wolf. London, 1928
Riga 313:
* —— ''Tractatus Politicus'', trans. R. H. M. Elwes. New York, 1951
* —— ''Tractatus Theologico-Politicus'', trans. S. Shirley. Leiden and New York, 1989
* Strauss, Leo, "The Mutual Influence of Theology and Philosophy." ''Independent Journal of Philosophy'' 3 (1979)
* —— ''Spinoza’s Critique of Religion'', trans. E. M. Sinclair. New York, 1965
* Tacitus, ''Histories'', trans. K. Wellesley. Baltimore, 1975
* Taylor, Charles, ''Sources of the Self''. Cambridge, Mass., 1989
* ''Theologische Aufsdtze: Karl Barth zum 30. Geburtstag.'' Munich, 1936
* Thomas Aquinas, ''Basic Writings'', 2 vols. English Dominican trans.; ed. A. Pegis. New York, 1945
* Tillich, Paul, ''Systematic Theology'', vol. 1. Chicago, 1951
* Vaux, Roland de, ''The Early History of Israel: To the Exodus and Covenant at Sinai'', trans. D. Smith. Philadelphia, 1978
* Voegelin, Eric, ''Order and History'', vol. 1. Baton Rouge, La., 1957
* Whitehead, Alfred North, ''Process and Reality: An Essay in Cosmology''. New York, 1929
* Wildberger, H., ''YHWH’s Eigentumsvolk: Ein Studie zur Traditionsgeschichte und Theologie des Erwahlungsdenkens''. Zurich, i960
* Wittgenstein, Ludwig, ''Philosophical Investigations'', 2nd ed., trans. G. E. M. Anscombe. New York, 1958
Riga 333:
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[[Categoria:Israele – La scelta di un popolo|Bibliografia]]