Chimica per il liceo/La materia/CLIL: differenze tra le versioni

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Riga 43:
Do you think this iron will travel through the intestinal tract as an iron nail would?
=== EXPLOREExplore ===
Add 10 ml of 1.0M HCl to 100 ml of the cereal slurry to simulate stomach acid. Heat in a beaker of hot water.
Riga 57:
» Compound of iron and sulphur. The mixture is heated to form iron sulphide. The iron can no longer be separated by a magnet (the compound has new properties).
=== CONCLUSIONConclusion ===
Explain the difference between mixture and compound.
Riga 64:
is important to prevent fatigue. Athletes need sufficient oxygen supply in their blood and muscles to maximise their performance and prevent fatigue. Blood doping is a method of increasing the number of red blood cells in the body. This allows more oxygen to be carried to the muscles.
=== ANDAnd more MORE... ===
Carry out an investigation on the iron levels in different cereals and compare the results with the levels shown on the cereal packet labels.