Torah per sempre/Bibliografia: differenze tra le versioni

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Riga 1:
{{Torah per sempre}}
[[File:Jerusalem by Dainis Matisons (3307998763).jpg|350px|left|Bibliografia]]
''In questa bibliografia si noteranno la scarsità di testi in lingua italiana e l'abbondanza di fonti in lingua inglese. Ciò purtroppo è dovuto alla mia base accademica sviluppatasi soprattutto in istituti anglofoni, sebbene i testi in lingua italiana nel campo siano in verità scarsi, almeno di data recente. Si forniscono comunque riferimenti bibliografici anche in lingua tedesca, francese ed ebraica (in base anche a ciò che ho potuto consultare/reperire in biblioteche e nella mia libreria).''
''Le materie trattate ed esaminate nei testi che seguono coprono svariate discipline accademiche e sono facilmente accessibili tramite biblioteche universitarie e/o istituzionali. I contenuti si collegano naturalmente al presente wikibook ed esaminano le relazioni tra sacre scritture, interpretazione/esegesi, autorità religiosa, teologia ed ermeneutica, spesso con osservazioni originali e critica storica.''
''La maggior parte delle note testuali riportano alle fonti primarie, ma questa bibliografia fornisce titoli utili anche per coloro che cercano un approfondimento specialistico attraverso fonti secondarie.''
Riga 302:
* El-Or, Tamar, ''Next Year I Will Know More: Literacy and Identity among Young Orthodox Women in Israel'', trad. Haim Watzman, Wayne State University Press, 2002. Ebraico originale: ''Befesaḥ haba'', Am Oved, 1998.
* ''[[w:Encyclopaedia Judaica|Encyclopaedia Judaica]]'', 16 voll., Keter, 1972.
* Enelow, H. G., ''Mishnat rabi eli`ezer'', New York, 1933.
* ''Entsiklopediyah mikra`it'', 9 voll., Mosad Bialik, 1965-88.
* Epiphanius, ''Treatise on Weighs and Measures: The Syriac Version'', cur. J. E. Dean, University of Chicago Press, 1935.
* Epstein, Jacob N., ''Introduction to Tannaitic Literature'', [Mevo`ot lesifrut hatana`im], Magnes Press, 1957.
* ''Etz Hayim: Torah and Commentary'', cur. David L. Lieber, Jewish Publication Society, 2001.
* [[w:Eusebio di Cesarea|Eusebio di Caesarea]], ''Ecclesiastical History'', vol. i, trad. ingl. Kirsopp Lake; vol. ii, trad. ingl. J. E. Oulton, Loeb Classical Library, 153, 265 (Harvard University Press, 1926, 1932).
* Fackenheim, Emil L., ''The Jewish Bible after the Holocaust: A Re-reading'', Manchester University Press, 1990.
* Faierstein, Morris M., ''All Is in the Hands of Heaven: The Teachings of Rabbi Mordecai Joseph Leiner of Izbica'', Yeshiva University, 1989.
Riga 316:
* [[w:Johann Gottlieb Fichte|Fichte, Johann Gottlieb]], ''Die Anweisung zum seligen Leben, oder auch die Religionslehre'', 1806.
* —————— ''Die Bestimmung des Menschen'', 1800.
* —————— ''Versuch einer Kritik aller Offenbarung'', 1792.
* [[w:Giovanni Filoramo|Filoramo, Giovanni]], ''A History of Gnosticism'', trad. ingl. Anthony Alcock, Basil Blackwell, 1990.
* Finkelman, Yoel, ''Strictly Kosher Reading: Popular Literature, ArtScroll and the Construction of Ultra-Orthodox Identity'', Academic Studies Press, 2011.
* Finkelstein, Louis, ''Akiba: Scholar, Saint and Martyr'', II ediz., Jewish Publication Society of America, 1962.
* Fishbane, Michael, ''Accusation of Adultery: A Study of Law and Scribal Practice in Numbers 5:11-31"'', ''Hebrew Union College Annual'', 45, 1974, 25-45.
* —————— ''Biblical Interpretation in Ancient Israel'', Clarendon Press, 1985.
* —————— "Torah" ([[w:Lingua ebraica|עברית]]), ''Entsiklopediyah mikra`it'', vol. viii, Gerusalemme, 1982.
Riga 335:
* Friedman, M. A., ''Jewish Marriage in Palestine: A Cairo Geniza Study'', Tel Aviv University and the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, 1980.
* Frimer, Dov I., "Jewish Law and Science in the Writings of Rabbi Isaac Halevy Herzog", in B. Jackson (cur.), ''The Halkhic Thought of R. Isaac Herzog'', Jewish Law Association Studies 5, Scholar Press, 1991, 33-48.
* Frisch, Amos, "R. Jacob Mechlenburg's Method in the Issue of the Patriarchs' Sins", ''Jewish Studies Quarterly'', 10, 2003, 258-73.
* [[w:Hans-Georg Gadamer|Gadamer, Hans-Georg]], ''Keine Schriften'', 4 voll., Mohr, 1967-77.
* [[w:Galeno|Galeno]], ''De usu partium''.
* —————— ''De naturalibus facultatibus''.
Riga 355:
* Graetz, Heinrich, ''History of the Jews'', trad. Bella Löwy, vol. iii, David Nutt, 1892.
* Graf, K. H., ''Die geschichtlichen Buecher des Alten Testaments'', T.O. Weigel, 1866.
* Graham, David, Marlena Schmool e Stanley Waterman, ''Jews in Britain: A Snapshot from the 2001 Censusàà'', Institute of Jewish Policy Research, 2007.
* Graupe, Heinz Moshe, ''The Rise of Modern Judaism: An Intellectual History of German Jewry 1650-1942'', trad. John Robinson, Robert E. Krieger, 1979.
* Grayson, A. Kirk, "The Babylonian Origin of Apocalyptic Literature", ''Atti dell'Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti'', 148, 1989-90, 203-19.
Riga 363:
* Gruenwald, Ithamar, "The Relevance of Myth for Understanding Ritual in Ancient Judaism", ''Annual of Rabbinic Judaism'', 3, 2000, 3-31.
* Grünbaum, Yosef, ''Hakarmel'', Szeged, 1899/1900.
* Guetta, Alessandro, "''The Last Debate on Kabbalah in Italian Judaism'', in Barbara Garvin e Bernard Cooperman (curr.), ''The Jews of Italy: Memory and Identity'', University Press of Maryland, 2000, 256-75.
* Gugenheimer, J., "Die Hypothesen der Bibelkritik und der Commentar zur Genesis von Rabbiner S. R. Hirsch", ''Jeschurun'', 13, 1867, 293-313, 397-409; 14, 1868, 1-18, 173-91, 312-25; 15, 1869, 81-100.
* Haberman, Joshua O., ''Philosopher of Revelation: The Life and Thought of S. L. Steinheim'', Jewish Publication Society, 1990.
Riga 389:
* —————— ''Horeb: A Philosophy of Jewish Laws and Observances'', trad. I. Grunfeld, Soncino Press, 1981.
* —————— ''Collected Writings of Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch'', trad. Jacob Breuer, 8 voll., II ediz., Feldheim, 1997.
* —————— "Hellenism and Judaism", in S. R. Hirsch, ''Collected Writings'', ii, 199-211.
* Hirsch, Samuel, ''Die Religionsphilosophie der Juden'', Lipsia, 1842.
* Hirschensohn, Hayim, ''Malki bakodesh'', 6 voll., Moinester Printing Co., 1919-28.
Riga 396:
* —————— ''Mar Samuel'', Lipsia, 1873.
* —————— ''Melamed leho`il'' [responsa], Hermon, 1935.
* Hoffman, R. Joseph, ''Celsus: On the True Doctrine: A Discourse Against the Christians'', OUP, 1987.
* Holladay, Carl R., ''Fragments from Hellenistic Jewish Authors'', 4 voll., Scholars Press, 1983-6.
* Holtz, Barry W., ''Back to the Sources: Reading the Classic Jewish Texts'', Summit, 1984.
Riga 405:
* Ibn Abi Zimra, David Ben Solomon, ''Responsa'', 7 voll., Otsar Hasefarim, 1967.
* Ibn Ezra, Abraham, ''Commentary on the Torah'' [Perush al hatorah].
* [[w:Avicebron|Ibn Gabirol, Solomon (Avicebron)]], ''Avencebrolis Fons Vitae ex Arabico in Latinum translatus ab Iohanne Hispano et Domenico Gundissalino ed. Clemens Baeumker'', Aschendorff, 1892-5.
* [[w:Moshe Idel|Idel, Moshe]], "Jacques Derrida and Kabbalistic Sources", in Bettina Bergo, Joseph Cohen e raphael Zagury-Orly (curr.), ''Judeities: Questions for Jacques Derrida'', trad. Bettina Bergo e Michael B. Smith, Fordham University Press, 2007, 111-30.
* —————— ''Kabbalah: New Perspectives'', Yale University Press, 1988.
Riga 418:
* [[w:Louis Jacobs|Jacobs, Louis]], ''Beyond Reasonable Doubt'', Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, 1999.
* —————— ''Helping with Inquiries'', Vallentine Mitchell, 1989.
* —————— ''Structure and Form in the Babylonian Talmud'', CUP, 1991.
* —————— ''A Tree of Life: Diversity, Flexibility, and Creativity in Jewish Law'', Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, 1984.
* —————— ''We Have Reason to Believe: Some Aspects of Jewish Theology Examined in the Light of Modern Thought'', Vallentine Mitchell, 1957.
Riga 532:
* Pseudo-Bahya, ''Kitab al-ma`ani al-nafs'', cur. I. Goldziher, Weidmannsche, 1907.
* Quine, W. V., ''From a Logical Point of View'', Harvard University Press, 1953.
* Ramsay, F. P., "Facts and Propositions", ''Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society'', vol. suppl. 7, 1927, 153-70.
* Rapoport, Chaim, ''Judaism and Homosexuality: An Authentic Orthodox View'', Vallentine Mitchell, 2004.
* Recanati, Menahem da, ''Sefer ta`amei hamitsvot hashalem'', cur. S.B. Lieberman, 1962.
Riga 588:
* Wolfson, H. A., "The Double Faith Theory in Saadia, Averroes and St. Thomas", ''Jewish Quarterly Review'', ns 33, 1942, 231-64.
* —————— "The Philonic God of Revelation and his Latter-day Deniers", in H.A. Wolfson, ''Religious Philosophy'', Belknap Press, 1961, 1-26.
* Wollstonecraft, Mary, ''A Vindication of the Rights of Woman'' (1792), in ''The Rights of Woman, by Mary Wollstonecraft, with the Subjection of Women, by John Stuart Mill'', introd. Pamela Fraukau, Dent, 1959.
* Yahuda, Abraham Shalom, ''Die sprache des Pentateuch in ihren Beziehungen zum Aegyptischen'', W. de Gruyter, 1929.
* Yates, Frances A., ''Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition'', Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1964.