Thomas Bernhard/Bibliografia: differenze tra le versioni

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Riga 37:
* Dürrenmatt, Friedrich, ''Plays and Essays. "Problems of the Theater." Trad. {{en}} Patrick Bowles. Ed. Volkmar Sander. Continuum, 1982.
* Gargani, Aldo. ''La frase infinita di Thomas Bernhard''. Bari: Editori Laterza, 1990.
* Harel, Simon, "Fatalité de la parole: invective et irritation dans l’œuvre de Thomas Bernhard", in ''Études littéraires « Esthétiques de l’invective »'', vol. 39, 2, 2008, ppp. 59-83.
* Held, Julius, "Aristotle." ''Rembrandt’s Aristotle and Other Rembrandt Studies'', Princeton University Press, 1969, pp. 3-41.
* Hens, Gregor, ''Thomas Bernhards Trilogie Der Kuenste'', Camden, 1999.
* Hoesterey, Ingeborg, "Visual Art as Narrative Structure-Thomas Bernhard’s Alte Meister", ''Modern Austrian Literature'' 21.3-4 (1988): 117-122.
Line 55 ⟶ 56:
* Martin, Charles. ''The Nihilism of Thomas Bernhard: The Portrayal of Existential and Social Problems in His Prose Works''. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1995.
* Mittermayer, Manfred, ''Thomas Bernhard''. Metzler, Stuttgart 1995.
* Murray, Linda, ''The High Renaissance and Mannerism: Italy, The North, and Spain, 1500-1600'', Thames, 1967.
* Osmaston, Francis Plumptre Beresford, ''The Art and Genius of Tintoret'', 2 Voll. Londra: Bell, 1915. 14-27.
* Pelgreffi, Igor, ''Note sulla catastrofe del senso: Bernhard, Gargani, Derrida'', in "Kaiak. A Philosophical Journey", 2 (2015)
Line 60 ⟶ 62:
* Porcell, Claude. ''Ténèbres: Textes, discours, entretien''. Parigi: Maurice Nadeau, 1986.
* Reitani, Luigi (a cura di), ''Thomas Bernhard e la musica'', Carocci, Roma 2005.
* Rosand, David, ''Painting in Sixteenth-Century Venice: Titian, Veronese, Tintoretto'', Cambridge University Press, 1997.
* Rossi, Paola, ''I ritratti'', Milano: Electa, 1990.
* Russell, Bertrand, "Schopenhauer." ''A History of Western Philosophy'', Simon, 1945. 753-760.
Line 66 ⟶ 69:
* Schopenhauer, Arthur, {{en}} ''The World as Will and Idea''. Londra: Everyman, 1995.
* —— , ''Parerga und Paralipomena'', 2 Voll., 1851.
* —— , ''The Pessimist’s Handbook: A Collection of Popular Essays'', trad. {{en}} T. Bailey Saunders, Univ. of Nebraska Press, 1964.
* Seeba, Hinrich C., "The Eye of the Beholder: Kleist’s Visual Poetics of Knowledge", ''A Companion to the Works of Heinrich von Kleist'', cur. Bernd Fischer, Camden, 2003, pp. 103-122.
* Smith, Martin Seymour. "A Modern Austrian Master and His Vision of Despair." ''Rev. of Woodcutters'', by Thomas Bernhard. ''Washington Post Book World'' 17 aprile 1988:3.
* Thomas, Chantal., ''Thomas Bernhard''. Parigi: Seuil, 1990.
* Tietze, Hans, ''Tintoretto'', Phaidon, 1948.
* Valcanover, Francesco, ''Tintoretto'', Abrams, 1985.
* Weissman, Benjamin. "The Mind in Overdrive." ''Rev. of Extinction, by Thomas Bernhard''. ''Los Angeles Times Book Review'' 8 ottobre 1995:3.