La dimensione artistica e cosmologica della Mishneh Torah/Bibliografia: differenze tra le versioni

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Riga 160:
*—————— . “Neoplatonic Currents in Maimonides’ Thought”. ''Perspectives on Maimonides''. cur. Joel L. Kraemer:115-40.
*Ivry, A. L. “Maimonides on the Creation of the World.” ''Shlomo Pines Jubilee Volume''. cur. M. Idel ''et al.'' vol. 2: 115-137.
*Kanarfogel, Ephraim. “Reflections on the Place of the Mishneh Torah in the Tradition of the Medieval Encyclopedia.” ''The Medieval Hebrew Encyclopedia of Science and Philosophy''. cur. S. Harvey: 123-139.
*Kellner, Menachem, ''Maimonides` Confrontation with Mysticism'', (Oxford, 2006).
*—————— . ''Must a Jew Believe Anything?'' (London, 1999).
*Klein-Braslavy, Sara. "Maimonides Commentary on Jacob's Dream of the Ladder" {{he}}, ''Bar-Ilan'', 22-3 (1987), 329-49.
*Kraemer, Joel L., [ Maimonides: Bibliography (PDF)].
*Kanarfogel, Ephraim. “Reflections on the Place of the Mishneh Torah in the Tradition of the Medieval Encyclopedia.” ''The Medieval Hebrew Encyclopedia of Science and Philosophy''. cur. S. Harvey: 123-139.
*Kreisel, Haim (Howard), ''Maimonides' Political Thought: Studies in Ethics, Law, and the Human Ideal'' (Albany, 1999).
*—————— . ''Prophecy: The History of an Idea in Medieval Jewish Philosophy'', Dordrecht, 2001.
*Levinger, Jacob. ''Maimonides’ Techniques of Codification; a Study in the Methodof the Mishneh Torah''. Gerusalemme, 1965 {{he}}.
*Pessin, Sarah. “Maimonides’ Opposition to Astrology: Critical Survey and Neoplatonic Response.” ''Al-Masaq: Islam and the Medieval Mediterranean''13 (2001): 25-41.
*Scholem, Gershom. ''Kabbalah'', Gerusalemme, 1974.
*Seeskin, Kenneth, "Holiness as an Ethical Ideal", ''Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy'', 5/2 (1996), 191-203.
*—————— "Maimonides' Sense of History", ''Jewish History'', 18 (2004), 129-45.
*—————— ''No Other Gods: The Modern Struggles Against Idolatry'' (New York, 1995).
*—————— ''Searching for a Distant God: The Legacy of Maimonides'' (Oxford, 2000).
*Soloveitchik, HHaym. “Thoughts on Maimonides’ Categorization [of the Commandments] in the ''Mishneh Torah'': Real and Imagined Problems.” ''Maimonidean Studies'' 4 (2000): 107-115 {{he}}.
**Soloveitchik, Joseph B. ''The Halkhic Mind'', New York, 1986.
*Stern, Josef, "The Enigma of ''Guide of the Perplexed'' i.68" {{he}}, in Aviezer Ravitzky (cur.) ''Maimonides: Conservatism, Originality, Revolution'' (Gerusalemme, 2008).
*—————— "The Idea of Hoq in Maimonides' Explanation of the Law", in Shlomo Pines e Yirmiyahu Yovel (curr.), ''Maimonides and Philosophy: papers Presented at the Sixth Jerusalem Philosophical Encounter; May 1985'' (Dordrecht, 1986), 92-130.