Torah per sempre/Bibliografia: differenze tra le versioni

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Riga 466:
* Loewe, Raphael, "Solomon Marcus Schiller-Szinessy, 1820-1890: First Reader in Talmudic and Rabbinic Literature at Cambridge", ''Transactions of the Jewish Historical Society of England'', 21, 1962-67, 148-89.
* Löw, I., ''Flora der Juden'', 4 voll., R. Löwit, 1926-34.
* Luria, Solomon, ''Yam shel shelomoh'', Lublino, 1636.
* [[w:Samuel David Luzzatto|Luzzatto, Samuele Davide]], ''Dialogues sur la kabbale et le Zohar et sur l'antiquité de la ponctuation et de l'accentuation dans la langue hébraïque'', Gorizia, 1852.
* —————— ''Grammatica della lingua ebraica'', 4 voll., Padova, 1853-67.
Line 477 ⟶ 478:
* —————— ''[[La dimensione artistica e cosmologica della Mishneh Torah]]'', Wikibook, 2015.
* —————— ''[[w:Mishneh Torah|Mishneh Torah]]''.
* Malbim, (Me`ir Leibush Ben Jehiel Michel Weiser), ''Hatorah vehamitsvah'', 2 voll., Hapardes, 1956.
* Malkiel, David, "New Light on the Career of Isaac Samuel Reggio", in Barbara Garvin e Bermard Cooperman (curr.), ''The Jews of Italy: Memory and Identity'', University Press of Maryland, 2000, 407-13.
* Manasseh ben Israel, ''The Conciliator, a Reconcilement of the Apparent Contradictions in Holy Scripture. To which are added notes by E. H. Lindo'', Londra, 1842, rist. New York: Harmon Press, 1972.
* Marx, Alexander, "The Correspondence between the Rabbis of Southern France and Maimonides about Astrology", ''Hebrew Union College Annual'', 3, 1926, 311-58.
* [[w:Karl Marx|Marx, Karl]], ''Critique of Hegel's "Philosophy of Right"'', trad. Annette Jolin e Joseph O'Malley, CUP, 1970.
* McGinn, Bernard, "Ibn Gabirol: The Sage among the Schoolmen", in L.E. Goodman (cur.), ''Neoplatonism and Jewish Thought'', SUNY Press, 1992, 77-109.
* Markus, R. M., ''The Jew in the medieval world: a source book, 315-1791'', Sinai Press, 1938.
* Meirovich, Harvey Warren, ''A Vindication of Judaism: The Polemics of the Pentateuch'', Jewish Theological Seminary of America, 1998.
* [[w:Moses Mendelssohn|Mendelssohn, Moses]], ''Jerusalem, or, On Religious Power and Judaism'', trad. A. Arkush, University Press of New England, 1983.
* Meyer, Michael A., "'Most of My Brethren Find Me Unacceptable': The Controversial Career of Rabbi Samuel Holdheim", ''Jewish Social Studies'', 9/3, 2003, 1-19.
* —————— "The Orthodox and the Enlightened", ''Leo Baeck Institute Yearbook'', 25, 1980, 101-30.
* —————— ''Response to Modernity: A History of the Reform Movement in Judaism'', OUP, 1988.
* Michael, Reuven, ''Heinrich Graetz: The Historian of the Jewish People'', Mosad Bialik, 2003.
* ''Midrash Rabbah''.
* ''Mikraot gedolot haketer'', cur. Menachem Cohen, 10 voll., Bar-Ilan University Press, 1992-.
* Mishael Ben Uzziel, ''Kitāb al-khilaf'', cur e trad. Lazar Lipschütz, Magnes Press, 1965.
* Milikowsky, Chaim, "Seder Olam", in Shmuel Safrai, Zeev Safrai, Joshua Schwartz e Peter J. Tomson (curr.), ''The Literature of the Sages: Sedcond Part'', Van Gorcum, 2006, 231-7.
* [[w:John Stuart Mill|Mill, John Stuart]], ''The Subjection of Women'' (1869) in ''The Rights of Woman, by Mary Wollstonecraft, with the Subjection of Women, by John Stuart Mill'', introd. Pamela Fraukau, Dent, 1959.
* Miller, Chaim (cur.), ''Chumash: The Gutnick Edition: All in One'', Kol Menachem, 2008.
* Mittleman, Alan L., ''Between Kant and Kabbalah: An Introduction to Isaac Breuer's Philosophy of Judaism'', SUNY Press, 1990.
* Modena, Judah Aryeh (Leone) da, ''Ziknei yehudah'', cur. Shlomo Simonsohn, Mosad Harav Kook, 1957.
* Nachmanides, ''Commentary on Genesis'' ([[w:Lingua ebraica|עברית]]).
* Naveh, Joseph, ''Early History of the Alphabet: An Introduction to West Semitic Epigraphy and Palaeography'', Hebrew University, 1982/1987.
* —————— ''On Sherd and Papyrus: Aramaic and Hebrew Inscriptions from the Second Temple, Mishnaic, and Talmudic Periods'', Magnes Press, 1992.
* —————— e Saul Shaked, ''Amulets and Magic Bowls: Aramaic Incantations of Late Antiquity'', Magnes Press, 1985.
* Nemoy, Leon, "Al-Qirqisāni's Account of the Jewish Sects and Christianity", ''Hebrew Union College Annual'', 7, 1931, 317-97; rist. in J. Neusner (cur.), ''Origins of Judaism'', iii, 2, Garland, 1990, 111-91.
* Neusner, J., ''Genesis Rabbah: The Judaic Commentary to the Book of Genesis'', Scholars Press, 1985.
* —————— "A Zoroastrian Critique of Judaism", ''Journal of the American Oriental Society'', 83/3, 1963, 283-94.
* —————— , Ernest S. Frerichs e Paul Virgil McCracken Flesher (curr.), ''Religion, Science and Magic: In Concert and in Conflict'', OUP, 1989.
* [[w:Isaac Newton|Newton, Sir Isaac]], ''Observations upon the Prophecies of Daniel, and the Apocalypse of St. John'', cur. Benjamin Smith, 1733.
* Nickelsburg, George W. E., Jr. (cur.), ''Studies on the Testament of Moses'', Society of Biblical Literature, 1972.
* Novak, David, ''Natural Law'', CUP, 1998.
* Oppenheimer, Aharon, "Jewish Penal Authority in Roman Judaea", in Martin Goodman (cur.), ''Jews in a Graeco-Roman World'', Clarendon Press, 1998, 181-91.
* [[w:Origene|Origene]], ''Origen contra Celsum'', cur. Henry Chadwick, CUP, 1953.
* —————— ''Origène contre Celse'', introd. testo greco, trad. francese e note di Marcel Borret SJ, Éditions du Cerf, 1968.
* Östborn, G. ''Tōrā in the Old Testament: A Semantic Study'', Håken Ohlssoms Boktryckery, 1945.
* [[w:Rudolf Otto|Otto, Rudeolf]], ''The Idea of the Holy'', trad. J.W. Harvey, OUP, 1923.
* [[w:Publio Ovidio Nasone|Ovidio]], ''[[w:Le metamorfosi (Ovidio)|Le metamorfosi]]''.
* [[w:Cynthia Ozick|Ozick, Cynthia]], "Notes toward Finding the Right Question", in Susannah Heschel (cur.), ''On Being a Jewish Feminist'', Schocken Books, 1983, 120-51.
* Pappenheim, Salomon, ''Yeriot shelomoh'', 3 voll., Dyhernfurth, 1784, 1811, 1831.
* Peirce, Charles S., ''Collected Papers'', vol. v, cur. Charles Hartshorne e Paul Weiss, Harvard University Press, 1934.
* Penkower, Jordan S., "Maimonides and the Aleppo Codex", ''Textus'', 9, 1981, 39-128.
* Perles, J., ''Salomo b. Abraham b. Adereth: Sein Leben und seine Schriften nebst handschriflichen Beilagen'', Schletter, 1863, rist. in ''Teshuvot harashba'', cur. Hayim Z. Dimitrowsky, vol. i, Mosad Harav Kook, 1990, 115-58.
* Perlmann, Moshe, "Eleventh-Century Andalusian Authors on the Jews of Granada", ''Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research'', 18, 1948/9, 269-90; rist. in Robert Chazan (cur.), ''Medieval Jewish Life'', Ktav, 1976, 147-68.
* Pfaff, Franz, "Rufus aus Samaria. Hippokrateskommentator und Quelle Galens", ''Hermes'', 67, 1932, 356-9.
* Strack H. L. e G. Stemberger, ''Introduction to the Talmud and Midrash'', Fortress Press, 1992.
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* [ ArtScroll] - traduzioni dei Libri Sacri, con prospettiva ortodossa
* {{cita web||Approfondimenti sulla Torà e sull'ebraismo}}
* {{cita web||Ebraismo italiano}}