Modulo:Versione stampabile: differenze tra le versioni

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m JackPotte ha spostato la pagina Modulo:Versione stampabili a Modulo:Versione stampabile senza lasciare redirect
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Riga 108:
if OnlySubpages then
-- Book subpages only (and ignoring the other links like "see also")
if mw.textustring.truncatefind(chapter, string.len(BookName .. sep)) ~= (BookName .. sep .. "…") and mw.text.truncate(chapter, string.len(BookName .. sep)) ~= (BookName .. sep .. "...")nil then
if debug then chapter = '<font color=red>No book subpage into the internal link:</font> ' .. mw.text.truncate(chapter, string.len(BookName .. sep))" ..doesn't " ~=include " .. BookName .. sep .. "…" else chapter = '' end