Le religioni della Mesopotamia/La letteratura religiosa in Mesopotamia/La Leggenda della nascita di Sargon: differenze tra le versioni

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===Il testo===
Trascrizione del testo neoassiro di Brian Lewis in ''The Sargon Legend. A Study of the Akkadian Text and the Tale of the Hero Who Was Exposed at Birth'' (ASOR Dissertation Series 4; Cambridge, MA 1980), ripresa in Luigi Santopaolo, ''Il Bambino e Il Fiume'', Roma, Pontificio Istituto Biblico; un'ulteriore trascrizione si trova in Joan Goodnick Westenholz, ''Legends of the Kings of Akkade- The Texts''. Eisenbrauns Winona Lake, Indiana 1997. La traduzione è di Giuseppe Del Monte, in '' Iscrizioni reali dal Vicino Oriente Antico'', Pisa, Università di Pisa, 2004, un'ulteriore traduzione accademica, quella dell'assiriologo statunitense Joan Goodnick Westenholz, è in nota: <ref>Così traduce l'assiriologo statunitense Joan Goodnick Westenholz: {{q|1. Sargon, the mighty king, king of Akkade, am I.<br>2. My mother was an en-priestess(?), my father I never knew.<br>3. My father's brother inhabits the highlands.<br>4. My city is Azupirsnu, which lies on the bank of the Euphrates.<br>5. She conceived me, my en-priestess mother, in concealment she gave me birth,<br>6. She set me in a wicker basket, with bitumen she made my opening watertight,<br>7. She cast me down into the river from which I could not ascend.<br>8. The river bore me, to Aqqi the water-drawer it brought me.<br>9. Aqqi the water-drawer, when lowering his bucket, did lift me up,<br>10. Aqqi the water-drawer did raise me as his adopted son,<br>11. Aqqi the water-drawer did set me to his gardening.<br>12. While I was (still) a gardener, IStar did grow fond of me,<br>13. And so for [. . .I years I did reign as king,<br>14. The black-headed people, I did rule and govern.<br>15. With copper pickaxes, I did cut my way through the (most) difficult mountains.<br>16. I did ascend all the high mountains,<br>17. I did traverse all the foothills,<br>18. The sealands, I did sail around three times.<br>19. Dilmun did submit to me (?) . . .<br>20. The Great Wall of Heaven and Earth(?), I did ascend.<br>21. [(Its very) st]ones(?), I did remove [. . .I<br>22. Whatever king will arise after me,<br>23. [Let him exercise kingship for x years]!<br>24. Let him rule the black-headed people!<br>25. Let him cut his way through the (most) difficult mountains with copper pickaxes!<br>26. Let him ascend all the high mountains!<br>27. [Let him traverse all the foothills]!<br>28. Let him circumnavigate the sealands three times!<br>29. [Let Dilmun submit to him (?)I!<br>30. Let him ascend to the Great Wall of Heaven and Earth(?)!<br>31. [Let him remove (its) stones. . . I!<br>32. . . . . from my city Akkade.. . .<br>33. . . . . like arrows(?) . . .(break)<br><br>|Joan Goodnick Westenholz, ''Legends of the Kings of Akkade- The Texts''. Eisenbrauns Winona Lake, Indiana 1997, pp. 38 e sgg.}}</ref>.
1. Io sono Sargon, il re potente, re di Akkad. <br>2. Mia madre era una sacerdotessa-enetum, mio padre non lo conosco,<br>3. il fratello di mio padre vive sulla montagna;<br> 4. la mia città è Azupiranu che si trova sulla riva dell’Eufrate.<br>5. Mia madre, la sacerdotessa, mi concepì e mi partorì di nascosto,<br>6. mi mise in un cesto di canne, ne calafatò l’apertura con bitume <br>7. e mi affidò al fiume, che non mi sommerse. <br>8. Il fiume mi portò e mi condusse da Aqqi, il portatore d’acqua: <br>9. Aqqi, il portatore d’acqua, gettando il suo secchio mi prese su,<br>10. Aqqi, il portatore d’acqua, mi fece suo figlio e mi crebbe,<br>11. Aqqi, il portatore d’acqua, mi mise nel suo mestiere di giardiniere. <br>12. Nel mio mestiere di giardiniere Ishtar mi amò <br>13. e per 54 anni ho davvero esercitato la regalità,<br>14. davvero ho governato e guidato le Teste Nere. <br>15. Ho tagliato con picconi di bronzo possenti montagne, <br>16. son salito più volte sui monti superiori,<br> 17. ho attraversato più volte i monti inferiori; <br>18. per tre volte ho fatto il giro dei paesi del mare <br>19. (e) Dilmun si è [sottomessa a me. <br>20. Sono salito] sulle grandi mura del cielo (e) della terra <br>21. (e) ne ho rimosso le pietre.<br>22. Chi diventerà re dopo di me, <br>23. [che egli eserciti la regalità per 54 anni],<br>24. governi le Teste Nere,<br>25. tagli con picconi di bronzo possenti montagne,<br> 26. salga più volte sui monti superiori,<br>27. [attraversi più volte i monti inferiori], <br> 28. per tre volte il giro dei paesi del mare,<br> 29. [Dilmun si sottometta a lui]! <br> 30. ]! Che egli salga sulle grandi mura del cielo (e) della terra (e) [ne rimuova le pietre]!<br> 31. …<br> 32. ...|Traduzione di Giuseppe Del Monte, ''Iscrizioni reali dal Vicino Oriente Antico'', Pisa, Università di Pisa, 2004, p.16<ref>Così traduce l'assiriologo statunitense Joan Goodnick Westenholz: {{q|1. Sargon, the mighty king, king of Akkade, am I.<br>2. My mother was an en-priestess(?), my father I never knew.<br>3. My father's brother inhabits the highlands.<br>4. My city is Azupirsnu, which lies on the bank of the Euphrates.<br>5. She conceived me, my en-priestess mother, in concealment she gave me birth,<br>6. She set me in a wicker basket, with bitumen she made my opening watertight,<br>7. She cast me down into the river from which I could not ascend.<br>8. The river bore me, to Aqqi the water-drawer it brought me.<br>9. Aqqi the water-drawer, when lowering his bucket, did lift me up,<br>10. Aqqi the water-drawer did raise me as his adopted son,<br>11. Aqqi the water-drawer did set me to his gardening.<br>12. While I was (still) a gardener, IStar did grow fond of me,<br>13. And so for [. . .I years I did reign as king,<br>14. The black-headed people, I did rule and govern.<br>15. With copper pickaxes, I did cut my way through the (most) difficult mountains.<br>16. I did ascend all the high mountains,<br>17. I did traverse all the foothills,<br>18. The sealands, I did sail around three times.<br>19. Dilmun did submit to me (?) . . .<br>20. The Great Wall of Heaven and Earth(?), I did ascend.<br>21. [(Its very) st]ones(?), I did remove [. . .I<br>22. Whatever king will arise after me,<br>23. [Let him exercise kingship for x years]!<br>24. Let him rule the black-headed people!<br>25. Let him cut his way through the (most) difficult mountains with copper pickaxes!<br>26. Let him ascend all the high mountains!<br>27. [Let him traverse all the foothills]!<br>28. Let him circumnavigate the sealands three times!<br>29. [Let Dilmun submit to him (?)I!<br>30. Let him ascend to the Great Wall of Heaven and Earth(?)!<br>31. [Let him remove (its) stones. . . I!<br>32. . . . . from my city Akkade.. . .<br>33. . . . . like arrows(?) . . .(break)<br><br>|Joan Goodnick Westenholz, ''Legends of the Kings of Akkade- The Texts''. Eisenbrauns Winona Lake, Indiana 1997, pp. 38 e sgg.}}</ref>|1. šarrukīn (LUGAL.GI.NA) šarru (LUGAL) dan-nu šar (LUGAL) a-ga-dè<sup>ki</sup> a-na-ku <br> 2. um-mi e-né-tu4 a-bi ul i-de <br> 3. aḫi (ŠEŠ) abī (AD)-ja i-ra-mi šá-da-a<br> 4. a-li <sup>uru</sup>a-zu-pi-ra-a-ni šá i-na aḫi puratti (<sup>ìd</sup>BURANUN) šak-nu<br> 5. i-ra-an-ni um-mu e-né-tu4 i-na pu-uz-ri ú-lid-an-ni<br> 6. iš-kun-an-ni i-na qup-[pi ] šá šu-ri i-na ittî (A.ESÍR) bābī (KÁ)-ja ip-ḫi<br> 7. id-dan-ni a-[na] [nā ]ri ([Í]D) šá la e-le-e-[a] <br> 8. iš-šá-an-ni nāru (ÍD) a-na mu[ḫḫi ] (U[GU]) <sup>[I]</sup>aq-qí dālî (<sup>lú</sup>A.BAL) ú-bil-a [n-ni ] <br> 9. <sup>[I]</sup>]aq-qí dālû (<sup>lú</sup>A.BAL) i-na ṭí-i [b] d [a-l ]i-[šú l ]u ú-še-la-an-[ni ] <br> 10. <sup>[I]</sup>aq-qí dālû (<sup>lú</sup>A.BAL) a-na ma-ru-ti-[šú ] [l ]u ú-rab-ban-[ni-ma] <br> 11. <sup>[I]</sup>aq-qí dālû (<sup>lú</sup>A.BAL) a-na lúnukaribbū (<sup>lú</sup>NU.KIRI6)-ti-šú [lu]-u [i ]š-kun-[an-ni ] <br> 12. [ ina ] <sup>lú</sup>nukaribbū (<sup>lú</sup>NU.KIRI6)-ti-já <sup>dingir</sup>iš-tar lu-u [i ]-ra-man-[ni ]-ma<br> 13. [5]4 šanāti (MU.MEŠ) šarrūta (LUGAL-ú-ta) lu-u e-pu-u[š ] <br> 14. [niš ]ê ([UN.M]EŠ) ṣalmāt qaqqadi (SAG.GE6.GA) lu-u a-be-el lu-u áš-[pur ] <br> 15. [šad ]ê ([KUR]-e) dannūti (KALA.MEŠ) ina ak-kul-la-te šá erê (URUDU.ḪI.A) lu-u ár-[ḫi?-iṣ?] <br> 16. [lu ] e-tel-li šá-di-i e-l [u-ti ] <br> 17. [lu ] at-ta-tab-lak-ka-ta šá-di-i šap-l [u-ti ] <br> 18. [ma?]-ti ti-amti lu-ú al-ma-[a] [3]-šú<br> 19. [ti ]lmun ([NI].TUK<sup>ki</sup>) lu-u ik-š [u-ud qa-ti] <br> 20. [a-n]a dêr (BÁD.DINGIR<sup>kir</sup>) rabî (GAL-i ) [lu e-li ] [lu-u] a [k?...] <br> 21. [ka?]-zal-lu ú-naq-qir-ma […]<br> 22. [man]-nu šarru (LUGAL) [šá ] i-la-a arkī (EGIR)-ja<br> 23. 5[4 šanāti (MU.MEŠ) šarrūta (LUGAL-ú-ta) li-pu-uš ] <br> 24. [niš ]ê ([UN.M]EŠ) ṣalmāt qaqqadi (SAG.GE6.GA) li-b [e-el li-iš-pur] <br> 25. [šad]ê ([KUR]-e) dannūti (KALA.MEŠ) ina ak-kul-l [a-te šá erê (URUDU.ḪI.A) li-ir-ḫi ?-iṣ? ] <br> 26. [l ]i-te-tel-li šadê (KUR.MEŠ) elûti (AN.TA.MEŠ) <br> 27. [littatablakkata šadê (KUR.MEŠ) šaplūti (KI.TA.MEŠ)] <br> 28. m[a? ]-ti ti-amti lil-ma-a šalāšī (3)-šú<br> 29. [tilmun (NI.TUK<sup>ki</sup>i) li-ik-šu-ud qat-su] <br> 30. [a-na d]êr ([B]ÁD.DINGIR<sup>ki</sup>) rabî (GAL.i) li-li-ma<br> 31. […u] l-tu ālī (URU)-já a-ga-[dè <sup>ki</sup>i] <br> 32. [...] šu? ma? náp? ri?|lingua=AKK}}