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Riga 30:
==== CGAL (Superfici e Griglia, F10 ed F11) ====
Questo metodo ha bisogno di tempo quando viene usato in un nuovo programma la prima volta, ma poi è molto veloce.
This method might need some time when first used with a new program, but will then have higher framerates.
AsCome beforedetto withper OpenCSG, F10 anded F11 onlyabilitano enablesoltanto CGALla displaymodalità modeCGAL ande don'tnon updateaggiornano thegli underlyingoggetti objectspresenti; forper that,questo usare usela thefunzione ''Compile and Render'' function (F6, foundsotto inil themenù ''Design'' menu).
To combine the benefits of those two display methods, you can selectively wrap parts of your program in a [[../The OpenSCAD Language#render|render]] function and force them to be baken into a mesh even with OpenCSG mode enabled.