Discussione:Peeragogia: differenze tra le versioni

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How to join or start your own project team
Riga 36:

'''''Peeragogy.NET Translation Status page''''' [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ahds05vktelTdEVMNVJieHBQdE5PUTM0RV9mbWw0bnc&hl=it&forcehl=1#gid=0]
=How to join or start your own project team=
The forum thread about volunteering to help create the handbook. It's not a contract, but it's a public commitment to say "I'll do that" or "I can help with that."
This is where we talk about what ought to go in the handbook, how to organize the outline.
The Project Teams forum -- Take a look at the Project Teams and jump in wherever you find a task that interests you.
How to create contentWiki basics
Get a look at what people have created using this Recent Changes page: http://socialmediaclassroom.com/host/peeragogy/wikichanges
Signing up for a categoryCreating a page
To create a new wiki page, linked from an existing page: Edit the existing wiki page, type or choosen anchor text to link to your new page, enclose the anchor text in in double brackets, submit the page, click on the new link, create a wiki page, edit its contents, submit. This process is described under the How-to tab as "Creating a New Wiki Page".
Template for entries
Make sure that this is a how-to-do-it-oriented resources. Scaffold with just enough theory, explained without special jargon, to make the how-to-do-it clear. Link to the literature review (and add to the lit review if necessary) for more detailed discussion of empirical, scholarly, theoretical underpinnings of the how-to-do-it. Each page should have:
Set of tags: specify a set of tags you would like used to refer to material related to this entry.
A "Status" line at the very top, indicating whether it is a stub, an outline for a completed article, a draft in progress, a draft ready for editing, or a draft edited and ready to move to Wordpress.
A list of content creators and editors after the Status line.
Short summary under the creators/editors list : Start and maintain a summary (under approximately 300 words) above the body of your entry, either a category or sub-category.
Source citations and Resources: Make sure direct quotations of material that are not the content creators' own words are clearly identified with quotation marks, immediately followed with enough information for readers to find bibliographic information and/or URLs for all cites in the Resources section; cited sources should be listed with all bibliographic information and URL in the overall list of resources. When you have drafted or substantially changed an entry, the owner should notify the owner of the Resources entry.
Links to related pages. If another part of the Handbook is particularly relevant, link to it.
Link back to main page of the outline: Each page should include at the bottom a large link back to the main page of the outline.
A good example of a page that has all these elements, well composed, is Connectivism in Action: How to Organize a MOOC.
As the Peeragogy handbook is a discrete book that was started in English, the translations will follow behind and closely mirror the content of English articles. This means that the English book serves as the most up-to-date version of the handbook.The translations should closely follow updates of the English chapters in both timing and content.
Subsequently, when the English editing team completes a version update on a chapter, that status will be reflected here and the translation team can proceed with the translation. The translation will always be equal to or less than the English version (for example, v. 1.3).
Translators are invited to join the twice-weekly English-language editing conferences whenever possible, for an awareness on the progression of the book and to share input on the development of the content in view of the individual societies represented by their languages.
Version conventions: Jan. 1, 2013: Version 1.0 released. Chapters will update in “point-one” increments; so the next major release will be Version 1.2.
Major structural changes will have to be communicated outside of this document; for example, when chapters are split, moved, or edited.
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