Russo/Numeri: differenze tra le versioni

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Tux3 (discussione | contributi)
Tux3 (discussione | contributi)
Riga 60:
Il numerale один (1) dovrebbe essere usato nella forma appropriata per indicare il genere (e numero, che tu ci creda o no). Per esempio: '''один мальчик''' (un ragazzo), '''одна девушка''' (una ragazza), '''одно животное''' (un animale), '''одни джинсы''' (un [paio di] jeans). La forma plurale del numerale (1) è alquanto curiosa, ma il suo uso diventerà più chiaro nel tempo. Following a form of один should come the item at hand in the nominative or inanimate accusative case, as appropriate.
The numerals два (or две), три, and четыре all require the following item to be presented in the genitive singular form. The numeral два has two forms: два for masculine and neuter items and две for feminine items. After the numeral два, each numeral has only a single form. SeeVedi forper exampleesempio: '''две девушки''' (twodue girlsragazze), '''три кошки''' (threetre catsgatti), '''четыре мальчика''' (fourquattro boysragazzi).
TheI numeralsnumerali da '''пять''' (5) throughfino a '''двадцать''' (20) requirerichiedono theirche attachedgli itemsoggetti incontati siano declinati nelle forme thedel genitivegenitivo pluralplurale forms, ascome in thesequesti examplesesempi: '''пять девушек''' (fivecinque girlsragazze), '''десять копеек''' (ten10 kopekskopeki), '''шестнадцать рублей''' (sixteensedici rublesrubli).
Numerals larger than twenty follow the above rules using the last digit. Pensa Thinkai ofnumerali numeralsstaccando endingle indecine zerodalle as ending in tenunità. Per For exampleesempio: '''тридцать три рюмки''' (thirty-threetrentatré shot glasses), '''сорок один год''' (forty-onequarantuno yearsanni), '''шестьдесят девять слов''' (sixty-ninesessantanove wordsparole).
When the items at hand belong not in the nominative or inanimate accusative case, the numerals themselves must be declined in addition to the declension of the items following them. This topic shall be discussed here later. For now, be glad that these forms are relatively uncommon. Examples follow: Я видел двух друзей (I saw two friends), Ты не съела ни одной штуки (You didn't eat a single piece).