Risolvere il cubo di Rubik: differenze tra le versioni

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m una revisione importata da en:How to solve the Rubik's Cube
Riga 1:
{{mergefrom|How To Solve Any NxNxN Rubik's Cube}}
This page describes one of many methods of solving the popular [[w:Rubik's Cube|Rubik's Cube]] puzzle.
Per '''risolvere il cubo di Rubik''' esistono svariati metodi risolutivi; il più semplice, per un facile approccio per chi non ha mai avuto un cubo tra le mani è il metodo a strati. Prima cosa fra tutti occorre considerare il cubo di Rubik non come sei facce o 27 cubetti, ma come 8 angoli e 12 spigoli che ruotano intorno ad una faccia.
== Notation ==
Per risolvere il cubo occorre eseguire vari step; il cubo di Rubik infatti non risolve posizionando correttamente una faccia alla volta, ma cercando di portarsi da una situazione base, dove il cubo è completamente disfatto, ad altre via via sempre più complesse con l'uso di algoritmi che quindi portano al completamento del cubo.
In this article there are several notations, please refer to this page
[http://www.vanderblonk.com/cube/yy/#section3 here]
*There are six sides to the cube presented as Front, Back, Left, Right, Up and Down, and are usually referred to by their one-letter abbreviations
*In the isometric diagrams below, where a corner points out at you, you see the F, R and U sides. The F faces to the left
*Movements are presented as one quarter rotation (90-degree) of an external face per movement. This means that the center tile colors are not changed. In our diagrams, F is blue, R is red and U is yellow. The other three colors are typically orange opposite red, green opposite blue and white opposite yellow
*Quarter-rotations of that face's layer default to clockwise. Counter-clockwise rotations are often referred to as "inverted" and indicated by an apostrophe (AKA prime, tick mark, anti-clockwise, anti or "i" for inverted). Half-rotations (180 degree) are indicated by the digit "2," meaning 2 quarter-rotations following the one-letter abbreviation
*In order to display what is happening on the sides of the other three colors, the cube will be rotated as a whole described as rotating along the x,y,z space axis, all pointing out of the page. x is R, y is U and z is F, but since this sort of move also changes the colors of the center-tiles, it is used sparingly
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In questa pagina verrà descritto il metodo più semplice per risolvere il cubo di Rubik, il metodo a strati.
== Notazione ==
Ogni algoritmo necessario alla risoluzione del cubo è scritto in una particolare notazione, praticamente usata universalmente nel mondo del cubing; Ogni movimento prende il nome dalla faccia che deve essere mossa quindi, la lettera F corrisponderà alla faccia frontale, la D a quella sotto (iniziale di down), R destra (right), L sinsitra (left), B dietro (back), U sopra (up).
Se la lettera è seguita da un apice ''' ' ''' vorrà dire che il movimento della faccia andrà eseguito in senso antiorario; se l'apice non è presente il movimento andrà eseguito in senso orario; se vi è un 2 il movimento sarà di 180°
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|B - [[Image:Rubiks B.svg|64px]]
|D - [[Image:Rubiks DD1.svg|64px]]
|F - [[Image:Rubiks F 1.svg|64px]]
|L - [[Image:Rubiks L.svg|64px]]
|R - [[Image:Rubiks R.svg|64px]]
Riga 22:
== PrimoExample step: la crocesolve ==
As an example let's consider a complete solve. 25 move scrambles are used to mix up the cube. Our sample scramble is: UB'R2D'U'RU2BR'B2L2RF2R2U2RBU2F2L2F2DRB2R2 - [http://vanderblonk.com/cube/cubeapplet.asp?alg=UB'R2D'U'RU2BR'B2L2RF2R2U2RBU2F2L2F2DRB2R2&scripttype=Generator demo: scramble]
[http://vanderblonk.com/cube/cubeapplet.asp?initscript=UB'R2D'U'RU2BR'B2L2RF2R2U2RBU2F2L2F2DRB2R2&alg=R'BRD2F2LU'FUR'DRFDF'F'D'FU2R'D'RU2U'F'D'FUUB'D'BU'y2FD2F2RFR'B'DFD'BDF'F2DMD2M'DF2 demo]
== Step 1: Top edge pieces (cross) ==
[[Image:Rubiks 1.svg|thumb|right|A Rubik's cube with the top edges already solved]]
Remember that the Rubik's cube is very difficult to solve and it requires a lot of patience. So let's get started!
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Bob Burton: [http://www.cubewhiz.com/]
Shotaro 'Macky' Makisumi: [http://cubefreak.hp.infoseek.co.jp/]
Speedcubing.com Collection: [http://speedcubingspeedcubinglovers.com/]
'''ZB method:''' This method was developed independently by [[w:Ron van Bruchem|Ron van Bruchem]] and [[w:Zbigniew Zborowski|Zbigniew Zborowski]] in 2003. After solving the cross and three c/e pairs, the final F2L pair is solved while orienting LL edges. This is known as ZBF2L. The last layer can then be solved in one algorithm, known as ZBLL. The ultimate method requires several hundred algorithms. To date, no one has learned the entire method. [[w:Lars Vandenbergh|Lars Vandenbergh]]'s site has ZBF2L algorithms, used in his VH system. [http://www.cubezone.be/zbf2l.html] ZBLL algorithms can be found on Doug Li's webpage. [http://www-personal.umich.edu/~dlli/Hardwick/zbll.html]
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*[[Wikipedia:Optimal_solutions_for_Rubik%27s_Cube|Wikipedia article: Optimal solutions for Rubik's Cube]]
[[en:How to solve the Rubik's Cube]]
[[es:Resolver el cubo de Rubik]]
[[fr:Comment résoudre le Cube de Rubik]]
[[it:Risolvere il cubo di Rubik]]
[[he:פתירת קובייה הונגרית]]
{{Avanzamento|0%|4 giugno 2008}}