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Versione delle 20:45, 26 mar 2008

Comandi di base

I primi comandi che un utente deve conoscere per usare IRC:

Command What it does Example



Sign on to a server /attach



/nick Set your nickname /nick YourName
/join Join a channel /join #wikibooks
/msg Sends a message (can either be private or to the entire channel) Message the channel: /msg #wikibooks hello world!

Send a private message: /msg JohnDoe Hi john.

/whois Display information about a user on the server /whois JohnDoe


Clears a channel's text.

Clears all open channel's text.



/away Sets an away message. Note: Type /away again to return from away. /away I'm away because...
/me Sends an action to the channel. See example. The following:

/me loves pie.

would output to the chat in the case of JohnDoe:

JohnDoe loves pie.